6.7 Guess Number

Are you feeling lucky? Want to test your intuition and see if you can guess the right number? Then look no further than the Guess Number game!

With this project, you can play a fun and exciting game of chance.

Using an IR remote control, players input numbers between 0 and 99 to try and guess the randomly generated lucky point number. The system displays the player’s input number on an LCD screen, along with upper and lower limit tips to help guide the player towards the right answer. With every guess, players get closer to the lucky point number, until finally, someone hits the jackpot and wins the game!

Required Components

In this project, we need the following components.

It’s definitely convenient to buy a whole kit, here’s the link:




ESP32 Starter Kit


ESP32 Starter Kit

You can also buy them separately from the links below.





ESP32 Camera Extension




Jumper Wires


IR Receiver


I2C LCD1602








  • You can open the file 6.7_guess_number.ino under the path of esp32-starter-kit-main\c\codes\6.7_guess_number directly.

  • The LiquidCrystal_I2C and IRremoteESP8266 libraries are used here, refer to Manual Installation for a tutorial to install.

  • After the code is successfully uploaded, press any number button on the remote control to start the game.

  • Input a number using the number buttons on the remote control. To input a single digit, you need to press the cycle key to confirm.

  • The system will show the input number and the upper and lower limit tips on the LCD screen.

  • Keep guessing until you correctly guess the lucky point number.

  • After a successful guess, the system will show a success message and generate a new lucky point number.


If the code and wiring are correct, but the LCD still fails to display any content, you can adjust the potentiometer on the back to increase the contrast.

How it works?

  1. In the setup() function, the I2C LCD screen and IR receiver are initialized. Then call the initNewValue() function to generate a new random lucky number, and a welcome message is displayed on the LCD screen.

    void setup() {
        // Initialize the LCD screen
        // Start the serial communication
        // Enable the IR receiver
        // Initialize a new lucky point value
  2. In the loop function, the code waits for a signal from the IR receiver. When a signal is received, the decodeKeyValue function is called to decode the signal and get the corresponding button value.

    void loop() {
    // If a signal is received from the IR receiver
    if (irrecv.decode(&results)) {
        bool result = 0;
        String num = decodeKeyValue(results.value);
        // If the POWER button is pressed
        if (num == "POWER") {
            initNewValue(); // Initialize a new lucky point value
        // If the CYCLE button is pressed
        else if (num == "CYCLE") {
            result = detectPoint(); // Detect the input number
            lcdShowInput(result); // Show the result on the LCD screen
        // If a number button (0-9) is pressed,
        //add the digit to the input number
        //and detect the number if it is greater than or equal to 10
        else if (num >= "0" && num <= "9") {
            count = count * 10;
            count += num.toInt();
            if (count >= 10) {
                result = detectPoint();
    • Depending on the button value, the appropriate function is called. If a number button is pressed, the count variable is updated, and the detectPoint function is called to detect if the input number is correct. The lcdShowInput function is called to show the input number and the upper and lower limit tips on the LCD screen.

    • If the POWER button is pressed, the initNewValue function is called to generate a new lucky point number and show the welcome message on the LCD screen.

    • If the CYCLE button is pressed, the detectPoint function is called to detect if the input number is correct. The lcdShowInput function is called to show the input number and the upper and lower limit tips on the LCD screen.