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SunFounder UNO Starter Kit for Arduino UNO R3¶
With this kit, we will walk you through the know-how of using the SunFounder board in a hands-on way. Starting with the basics of electronics, you’ll learn through building several creative projects. Including a selection of the most common and useful electronic components, this kit will help you “control” the physical world.
If you want to learn another projects which we don’t have, please feel free to send Email and we will update to our online tutorials as soon as possible, any suggestions are welcomed. Here is the Email:
- About this Kit
- Components List
- Components Introduction
- SunFounder R3 Board
- SunFounder Mega Board
- Breadboard
- Jumper Wires
- Resistor
- Transistor
- Capacitor
- Diode
- 74HC595
- L293D
- 7-segment Display
- 4-Digit 7-Segment Display
- LCD1602
- Buzzer
- DC Motor
- Stepper Motor
- Servo
- Relay
- Power Supply Module
- Button
- Potentiometer
- Joystick Module
- Photoresistor
- Thermistor
- Tilt Switch
- IR Receiver Module
- Ultrasonic Module
- Humiture Sensor Module
- Get Started with Arduino
- For Mega2560 User
- Lesson 1 Blinking LED
- Lesson 2 Flowing LED Lights
- Lesson 3 Controlling LED by Button
- Lesson 4 Doorbell
- Lesson 5 Tilt Switch
- Lesson 6 Relay
- Lesson 7 RGB LED
- Lesson 8 Controlling an LED by Potentiometer
- Lesson 9 Photo resistor
- Lesson 10 Servo
- Lesson 11 LCD1602
- Lesson 12 Thermistor
- Lesson 13 Ultrasonic
- Lesson 14 Infrared-Receiver
- Lesson 15 Humiture Sensor
- Lesson 16 Joystick PS2
- Lesson 17 7-Segment Display
- Lesson 18 74HC595
- Lesson 19 Stepper Motor
- Lesson 20 Simple Creation-Stopwatch
- Lesson 21 Simple Creation-Answer Machine
- Lesson 22 Simple Creation-Small Fan
- Lesson 23 Simple Creation - Digital Dice
- For Uno User
- Lesson 1 Blinking LED
- Lesson 2 Flowing LED Lights
- Lesson 3 Controlling LED by Button
- Lesson 4 Doorbell
- Lesson 5 Tilt Switch
- Lesson 6 Relay
- Lesson 7 RGB LED
- Lesson 8 Controlling an LED by Potentiometer
- Lesson 9 Photo resistor
- Lesson 10 Servo
- Lesson 11 LCD1602
- Lesson 12 Thermistor
- Lesson 13 Ultrasonic
- Lesson 14 Infrared-Receiver
- Lesson 15 Humiture Sensor
- Lesson 16 Joystick PS2
- Lesson 17 7-Segment Display
- Lesson 18 74HC595
- Lesson 19 Stepper Motor
- Lesson 20 Simple Creation-Stopwatch
- Lesson 21 Simple Creation-Answer Machine
- Lesson 22 Simple Creation-Small Fan
- Lesson 23 Simple Creation - Digital Dice
- Play with Scratch
- Install and Introduce PictoBlox
- Projects
- 1. Quick guide to PictoBlox
- 2. Table Lamp
- 3. Breathing LED
- 4. Colorful Balls
- 5. LCD1602
- 6. Moving Mouse
- 7. Doorbell
- 8. Tumbler
- 9. Low Temperature Alarm
- 10. Light Alarm Clock
- 11. Read Temperature and Humidity
- 12. Rotating Fan
- 13. GAME - Star-Crossed
- 14. GAME - Eat Apple
- 15. GAME - Flappy Parrot
- 16. GAME - Breakout Clone
- 17. GAME - Fishing
- 18. GAME - Kill Dragon
- Thank You
Copyright Notice¶
All contents including but not limited to texts, images, and code in this manual are owned by the SunFounder Company. You should only use it for personal study, investigation, enjoyment, or other non-commercial or nonprofit purposes, under the related regulations and copyrights laws, without infringing the legal rights of the author and relevant right holders. For any individual or organization that uses these for commercial profit without permission, the Company reserves the right to take legal action.