SunFounder Sensor Kit V2 for Raspberry Pi¶
This sensor kit is suitable for the Raspberry Pi model B+, 2 model B, 3 model B, 3 model B+ and 4 Model B. It includes dozens of different modules for you to learn and we provide corresponding lessons which are simple and useful for better understanding. Hope you can learn their applications quickly and use them in your own projects!
If you want to learn another projects which we don’t have, please feel free to send Email and we will update to our online tutorials as soon as possible, any suggestions are welcomed.
Here is the Email:
About the display language
In addition to English, we are working on other languages for this course. Please contact if you are interested in helping, and we will give you a free product in return. In the meantime, we recommend using Google Translate to convert English to the language you want to see.
The steps are as follows.
In this course page, right-click and select Translate to xx. If the current language is not what you want, you can change it later.

There will be a language popup in the upper right corner. Click on the menu button to choose another language.

Select the language from the inverted triangle box, and then click Done.

- Components
- Preparation
- Libraries
- GPIO Extension Board
- Download the Code
- Lessons
- Lesson 1 Dual-Color LED
- Lesson 2 RGB LED Module
- Lesson 3 7-Color Auto-flash LED
- Lesson 4 Relay Module
- Lesson 5 Laser Emitter Module
- Lesson 6 Button Module
- Lesson 7 Tilt-Switch Module
- Lesson 8 Vibration Switch
- Lesson 9 IR Receiver Module
- Lesson 10 Buzzer Module
- Lesson 11 Reed Switch
- Lesson 12 Photo-interrupter
- Lesson 13 PCF8591
- Lesson 14 Rain Detection Module
- Lesson 15 Joystick PS2
- Lesson 16 Potentiometer Module
- Lesson 17 Hall Sensor
- Lesson 18 Temperature Sensor
- Lesson 19 Sound Sensor
- Lesson 20 Photoresistor Module
- Lesson 21 Flame Sensor
- Lesson 22 Gas Sensor
- Lesson 23 IR Remote Control
- Lesson 24 Touch Switch
- Lesson 25 Ultrasonic Ranging Module
- Lesson 26 DS18B20 Temperature Sensor
- Lesson 27 Rotary Encoder Module
- Lesson 28 Humiture Sensor
- Lesson 29 IR Obstacle Avoidance Module
- Lesson 30 I2C LCD1602
- Lesson 31 Barometer-BMP180 Module
- Lesson 32 MPU6050 Gyro Acceleration Sensor
- Lesson 33 RTC DS1302
- Lesson 34 Tracking Sensor
- Lesson 35 Intelligent Temperature Measurement System
- Appendix
- Thank You
Copyright Notice¶
All contents including but not limited to texts, images, and code in this manual are owned by the SunFounder Company. You should only use it for personal study,investigation, enjoyment, or other non-commercial or nonprofit purposes, under therelated regulations and copyrights laws, without infringing the legal rights of the author and relevant right holders. For any individual or organization that uses these for commercial profit without permission, the Company reserves the right to take legal action.