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Pico 2 W Kit - A Versatile Hardware Programming Kit
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Thank you for choosing the SunFounder Pico 2 W Starter Kit
The Pico 2 W Kit is a comprehensive learning and development kit built around the Raspberry Pi Pico 2 W microcontroller. It comes equipped with a variety of modules, including sensors (ultrasonic, RFID, MPU6050, water level), display components (LEDs, dot matrix, 7-segment display, I2C LCD1602), and actuators like motors, servos, and pumps. This kit is designed to enable users to explore hardware programming, interactive projects, and creative designs. This documentation is divided into two sections based on the programming environment:
MicroPython Projects: Learn to program and control the kit using MicroPython, focusing on hands-on examples and hardware interaction.
Arduino Projects: Utilize the Arduino IDE and C/C++ programming to achieve the same hardware functionality through structured exercises and projects.
Whether you are a beginner or an experienced programmer, the Pico 2 W Kit provides all the tools and guidance you need to start building exciting projects.
Please feel free to e-mail us if you are interested in learning other projects we don’t have. We will update our online tutorials as soon as possible.
Here is the email:
Source Code download
Or check out the code at Pico 2 W Starter Kit - GitHub
- About This Kit
- Getting to Know Pico 2 W
- MicroPython Projects
- Arduino Projects
- What is Included in This Kit
- Breadboard
- Jumper Wires
- Resistor
- Transistor
- Capacitor
- Diode
- Li-po Charger Module
- 74HC595
- TA6586 - Motor Driver Chip
- LED Bar Graph
- 7-segment Display
- 4-Digit 7-Segment Display
- LED Dot Matrix
- I2C LCD1602
- WS2812 RGB 8 LEDs Strip
- Buzzer
- DC Motor
- Servo
- DC Water Pump
- Relay
- Button
- Micro Switch
- Slide Switch
- Potentiometer
- Infrared Receiver
- Joystick Module
- 4x4 Keypad
- MPR121 Module
- MFRC522 Module
- Photoresistor
- Thermistor
- Tilt Switch
- Reed Switch
- PIR Motion Sensor Module
- Water Level Sensor Module
- Ultrasonic Module
- DHT11 Humiture Sensor
- MPU6050 Module
- Video Courses
- Lesson 1: Write Your First Program for Absolute Beginners
- Lesson 2: Understanding and Using Breadboards
- Lesson 3: Understanding and Using Binary Numbers
- Lesson 4: Create a Binary Counter Using the Pico W
- Lesson 5: Reading Analog Voltages Using a Potentiometer
- Lesson 6: Understanding If Statements in MicroPython
- Lesson 7: Controlling 3 LED with a Potentiometer in Micropython
- Lesson 8: Compound Conditionals and If Statements in MicroPython
- Lesson 9: Getting Analog Output Using PWM (Pulse Width Modulation)
- Lesson 10: Controlling a Dimmable LED with a Potentiometer
- Lesson 11: Understanding and Controlling an RGB LED in MicroPython
- Lesson 12: Create a Dimmable LED in Micropython
- Lesson 13: User Specified RGB LED Colors Using Micropython
- Lesson 14: Understanding Variable Types and Arrays in Micropython
- Lesson 15: For Loops in Micropython
- Lesson 16: Sequence of Colors in RGB LED With Micropython
- Lesson 17: Buttons and Pull Up Resistors in Micropython
- Lesson 18: Push Button Control of LEDs in Micropython
- Lesson 19: Button Control of RGB LED in Micropython
- Lesson 20: Using the DHT11 Temperature and Humidity Sensor in MicroPython
- Lesson 21: Temperature and Humidity Measurements with Toggle Switch
- Lesson 22: Using an LCD Display with the Pico W
- Lesson 23: Temperature and Humidity Sensor with LCD Display
- Lesson 24: Power Portable Projects with LiPo Rechargeable Battery
- Lesson 25: Getting Started with OLED 1306 in Micropython
- Lesson 26: Drawing a Circle on the OLED 1306 Display
- Lesson 27: Creating Lissajous Patterns on an OLED Display
- Lesson 28: Connecting the Raspberry Pi Pico W to WiFi
- Lesson 29: Simple Client Server Project to Control RGB LED
- Lesson 30: Project to Connect Your Raspberry Pi Pico W to the Internet
- Lesson 31: Sensorless Remote Weather Station Project
- Lesson 32: Mobile Weather Station Project
- Lesson 33: Display the HSV Color Wheel on an RGB LED
- Lesson 34: Convert HSV to RGB in Micropython
- Lesson 35: Remote Weather Station with RGB LED Temperature Indicator
- Lesson 36: Control a Servo With MicroPython
- Lesson 37: Control a Servo With a Potentiometer in MicroPython
- Lesson 38: Learn Trigonometry Fundamentals in One Session (EASY)
- Lesson 39: Practical Trigonometry for Easy Problem Solving
- Lesson 40: Measuring Acceleration with the MPU6050 Six Axis IMU
- Lesson 41: Inferring Tilt From a 3 Axis Accelerometer
- Lesson 42: Measuring Tilt With an MPU6050 Accelerometer
- Lesson 43: Measure Pitch and Roll Using a 3 Axis Accelerometer
- Lesson 44: Measure Simultaneous 0 G on All Three Axis of MPU6050
- Lesson 45: Calculating Height from a Dropped Object in Freefall
- Lesson 46: Build a 2 Axis Tilt Meter with Display Using the MPU6050
- Lesson 47: Improving Sensor Data With a Low Pass Filter
- Lesson 48: Measuring Rotation Using the Gyros on the MPU6050
- Lesson 49: Improving IMU Performance with a Complimentary Filter
- Lesson 50: Removing Long Term Steady State Error from Sensor Data
- Lesson 51: Ultimate Pitch and Roll Gadget Using the MPU6050
- Lesson 52: Controlling Neopixels in MicroPython
- Lesson 53: Animating NeoPixel Strips Using MicroPython
- Lesson 54: Animated Dynamic Rainbow on NeoPixel in MicroPython
- Lesson 55: Create a Dynamic Rainbow With Neopixels in MicroPython
- Lesson 56: Using a Joystick With MicroPython
- Lesson 57: Calibrating a Joystick in MicroPython
- Lesson 58: Determine Angular Position of a Joystick in MicroPython
- Lesson 59: Controlling a Servo with a Joystick
- Lesson 60: Control NeoPixel Colors with a Joystick in MicroPython
- Lesson 61: How to Write Modular Code With Micropython Functions
- Lesson 62: Create Functions to Average and Sort Grades in Micropythons
- Lesson 63: Object Oriented Programming in MicroPython with Classes and Methods
- Lesson 64: Object Oriented Programming Example in MicroPython with LEDs
- Lesson 65: Create a Servo Class and Method in MicroPython
- Lesson 66: Create Your Own Libraries in Micropython
- Lesson 67: Use Both Cores on Your Pi Pico with MicroPython
- Lesson 68: MicroPython Multicore Threading Example with LEDs and Servo
- Lesson 69: Cleanly Exit MicroPython Threads When Program Terminates
- Lesson 70: Example of Cleanly Exiting Dual Core Program in MicroPython
- Lesson 71: Allow Thread to Complete Task Before Termination
- Lesson 72: Understanding Using Dictionaries in MicroPython
- Lesson 73: Control a RGB LED Using a Dictionary in MicroPython
- Lesson 74: Create a MicroPython Class for Controlling RGB LED
Copyright Notice
All contents including but not limited to texts, images, and code in this manual are owned by the SunFounder Company. You should only use it for personal study,investigation, enjoyment, or other non-commercial or nonprofit purposes, under therelated regulations and copyrights laws, without infringing the legal rights of the author and relevant right holders. For any individual or organization that uses these for commercial profit without permission, the Company reserves the right to take legal action.