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Arduino Projects

This section introduces Arduino programming with the Pico W, guiding you through the process of setting up the Arduino IDE, installing the necessary libraries, and building exciting projects. With detailed explanations and hands-on exercises, you’ll master both basic and advanced Arduino-based hardware programming.

Source Code

1. Get Started

Set up the Arduino IDE and get ready to program your Pico W. Learn how to install the IDE, configure the Pico W board, and add essential libraries for your projects.

2. Output & Input

Work with LEDs, sensors, and switches to learn the basics of controlling output devices and gathering input from the physical world. These fundamental exercises will establish a strong foundation in Arduino programming.

3. Sound & Display & Movement

Explore how to create sound effects, display data, and control movement. This chapter includes projects with buzzers, NeoPixel LEDs, LCD screens, motors, pumps, and servos to bring your hardware to life.

4. Controller

Use controllers like joysticks, keypads, and touch sensors to add interactive features to your projects. Learn to process input from these devices and translate it into creative outputs.

5. Microchip

Discover the power of 74HC595 shift registers for advanced LED control, 7-segment displays, and dot matrix modules. This chapter covers efficient techniques for handling multiple outputs with fewer pins.

6. Advanced

Delve into advanced modules and concepts, such as ultrasonic distance measurement, environmental sensing with DHT11, motion tracking with MPU6050, and wireless communication with RFID and IR remote controls.