Video 4: Understanding and Using GPIO PinsΒΆ

This comprehensive tutorial covers the basics of Raspberry Pi GPIO pins and their usage with Python programming. Viewers will learn how to set up GPIO pins, control LEDs, introduce delays, and clean up GPIO resources after use. Additionally, a homework assignment is provided to reinforce learning through practical application.

  1. Introduction to Raspberry Pi GPIO pins and their numbering system.

  2. Explanation of breadboard configuration and usage.

  3. Overview of the LED circuit schematic.

  4. Demonstration of translating the schematic to physical components on a breadboard.

  5. Tips for organizing and keeping components neat during projects.

  6. Importance of correctly identifying component orientation, such as LED leg lengths.

  7. Setting up GPIO pins using the gpio.setmode() and gpio.setup() functions.

  8. Controlling LEDs with the gpio.output() function and variables to store state values.

  9. Introducing delays in Python programs using the time.sleep() function.

  10. Proper resource management with the gpio.cleanup() function.

  11. Assignment: Writing a Python program to blink an LED based on user input.

  12. Tips for viewers: Emphasize the importance of cleaning up GPIO pins after use and sharing homework solutions for learning validation.


Homework Solution