Video 12: Pushbutton Control of RGB LEDΒΆ

Explore how to control RGB LEDs using Raspberry Pi platforms, covering hardware setup, code organization, GPIO pin configuration, color mixing, dimmable LED control, debugging, and project extension possibilities.

  1. Hardware setup: Configure RGB LEDs, buttons, and GPIO connections.

  2. Code organization: Organize code systematically for easier maintenance.

  3. GPIO pin setup: Configure GPIO pins for input and output functionalities.

  4. Main loop implementation: Create a main loop to monitor button states and update LED states.

  5. Debugging and testing: Ensure proper hardware and software functionality through debugging procedures.

  6. RGB LED color mixing: Experiment with color combinations using red, green, and blue.

  7. Dimmable LED control: Explore dimming LEDs for precise color and brightness adjustments.

  8. Circuit troubleshooting: Identify and resolve circuit issues like poor connections.

  9. Programming logic: Develop code logic for controlling RGB LED behavior.

  10. Project extension: Consider expanding the project with advanced features like dimmable LED control.
