Video 25: Measure Temperature and Humidity with the DHT-11 SensorΒΆ

In this tutorial, learn how to connect a DHT11 temperature and humidity sensor to a Raspberry Pi and read data from it using Python.

  1. Introduction: Join us in this Raspberry Pi tutorial series sponsored by SunFounder.

  2. Components Needed: Gather your Raspberry Pi, jumper cables, DHT11 sensor, and a 10k resistor.

  3. Wiring Instructions: Follow detailed instructions to correctly wire the components together to avoid damaging the sensor.

  4. Python Library Installation: Learn how to install the required Python library for interacting with the DHT11 sensor.

  5. Code Implementation: Write Python code to read temperature and humidity data from the sensor and print it to the terminal.

  6. Code Execution: See the code in action as it interprets the sensor readings.

  7. Future Projects: Explore potential projects combining components from the SunFounder kit.
