Video 14: Installing Visual Python on the Raspberry PiΒΆ

This video demonstrates how to control an RGB LED using buttons with a Raspberry Pi, focusing on installing Visual Python, creating a simple 3D animation, and integrating it with the LED control code from a previous lesson. The tutorial covers installing Visual Python, integrating existing circuit and code for RGB LED control, creating 3D animations to represent LED states, understanding PWM duty cycles and color representation, troubleshooting code execution and calibration issues, and exploring further customization and optimization possibilities.

  1. Installing Visual Python on Raspberry Pi and setting up the environment.

  2. Integrating existing circuit and code from previous lessons for RGB LED control.

  3. Creating 3D animations using Visual Python to represent LED states.

  4. Understanding the conversion between PWM duty cycles used for LED control and color representation in Visual Python.

  5. Troubleshooting issues with code execution and calibration between real and virtual LEDs.

  6. Exploring further customization and optimization possibilities for the animations and LED control.
