Video 31: Alarm for Detecting Motion in the DarkΒΆ

This video demonstrates how to build an intruder alarm system using a Raspberry Pi, motion sensor, light sensor, and buzzer, providing step-by-step guidance on both the hardware setup and Python coding.

  1. Introduction to the project: Building an intruder alarm system using Raspberry Pi.

  2. Overview of the components used: Raspberry Pi, PIR motion sensor, light sensor (ADC-0834), active buzzer, and transistor (S8550).

  3. Explanation of the hardware setup: Wiring the components together, including connecting the buzzer, motion sensor, and light sensor to the Raspberry Pi GPIO pins.

  4. Coding the alarm system: Using Python code to read sensor inputs, detect motion and darkness, and trigger the buzzer alarm accordingly.

  5. Testing the system: Demonstrating the functionality of the alarm system by simulating intruder detection in different lighting conditions.

  6. Discussion of future projects: Previewing upcoming tutorials on additional components like accelerometers, gyroscopes, RFID, and cameras for further Raspberry Pi projects.
