Video 27: Build a Temperature and Humidity System with LCD DisplayΒΆ

In this tutorial, viewers learn how to construct a temperature and humidity sensing device using a Raspberry Pi, a DHT11 sensor, an LCD display, and a push button. The video provides detailed guidance on both the hardware setup and Python coding required for the project.

  1. Introduction to building a temperature and humidity sensing device with Raspberry Pi.

  2. Components required including Raspberry Pi, DHT11 sensor, LCD display, push button, female to male wires, and jumper wires.

  3. Hardware setup involves connecting Raspberry Pi to the SunFounder breakout board, and then connecting the DHT11 sensor, LCD display, and push button using jumper wires.

  4. Setting up necessary libraries such as LCD1602, GPIO, DHT11, and time.

  5. Initialization of components including setting up GPIO mode, initializing the DHT11 sensor, LCD display, and push button.

  6. Reading button state through GPIO input to toggle between Fahrenheit and Celsius readings on the LCD display.
