Video 29: Build a Programmable Temperature Sensing AlarmΒΆ

This video demonstrates how to build a programmable temperature monitoring system with an alarm using Raspberry Pi. He covers hardware setup, coding in Python, and debugging techniques. The tutorial emphasizes structured programming and troubleshooting methods for maintaining code organization and clarity.

  1. Hardware setup: Explains the required hardware components, including Raspberry Pi, breakout board, ADC0834, DHT11 temperature sensor, toggle button, active buzzer, and transistor.

  2. Overview of the project: Demonstrates the finished device and its components and functionalities.

  3. Schematic overview: Discusses the schematic diagram of the project, highlighting connections between components.

  4. Programming: Walks through the Python code, explaining sensor value reading, mode switching, and alarm triggering based on temperature thresholds.

  5. Debugging: Demonstrates debugging techniques to identify and fix errors in the code and hardware connections.

  6. Analog to digital conversion for temperature sensing.

  7. LCD display interfacing for real-time temperature display.

  8. User interaction with buttons to toggle between programming and monitoring modes.

  9. Alarm triggering based on temperature thresholds.

  10. Structured programming approach for maintaining code organization and clarity.
