Video 16: Creating a Potentiometer Controlled Dimmable LED

This video demonstrates how to create a dimmable LED using a Raspberry Pi, ADC-0834 analog-to-digital converter, and pulse-width modulation (PWM) techniques, offering a comprehensive guide from hardware setup to coding in Python.

  1. Introduction: Overview of the tutorial series sponsored by SunFounder.

  2. Homework Assignment: Recap of the previous lesson’s task to create a dimmable LED controlled by a potentiometer.

  3. Hardware Setup: Explanation of the components required, including Raspberry Pi, ADC-0834, potentiometer, and LED with a current-limiting resistor.

  4. GPIO Pin Setup: Setting up GPIO pins and initializing PWM for LED control.

  5. Python Coding: Step-by-step guide to coding in Python using Thonny, covering library import, pin setup, and duty cycle calculation.

  6. Mathematical Calculation: Explanation of the math involved in mapping potentiometer readings to LED brightness levels.

  7. Demonstration: Live demonstration of the dimmable LED functionality.

  8. Next Homework Assignment: Announcement of the upcoming task to use an RGB LED and multiple potentiometers for color mixing.

  9. Acknowledgment: Recognition of Patreon supporters and encouragement for viewers to consider contributing to support future content.
