Lesson 13 Driving LEDs by 74HC595


In this lesson, we will learn how to use 74HC595 to make eight LEDs blink regularly.


- 1 * Raspberry Pi

- 1 * Breadboard

- 1 * 74HC595

- 8 * LED

- 8 * Resistor (220Ω)

- Jumper wires

- 1 * T-Extension Board

- 1 * 40-Pin GPIO Cable



The 74HC595 consists of an 8−bit shift register and a storage register with three−state parallel outputs. It converts serial input into parallel output so that you can save IO ports of an MCU. The 74HC595 is widely used to indicate multipath LEDs and drive multi-bit segment displays. “Three-state” mentioned above refers to the fact that you can set the output pins as either high, low or high impedance. With data latching, the instant output will not be affected during the shifting; with data output, you can cascade 74HC595s more easily. Compatible with low voltage TTL circuit, 74HC595 can transform serial input of 8-bit data into parallel output of 8-bit data. So it is often used to extend GPIO for embedded system and drive low power devices.


Pins of 74HC595 and their functions:

Q0-Q7: 8-bit parallel data output pins, able to control 8 LEDs or 8 pins of 7-segment display directly.

Q7’: Series output pin, connected to DS of another 74HC595 to connect multiple 74HC595s in series

MR: Reset pin, active at low level; here it is directly connected to 5V to keep the chip from resetting.

SH_CP: Time sequence input of shift register. On the rising edge, the data in shift register moves successively one bit, i.e. data in Q1 moves to Q2, and so forth. While on the falling edge, the data in shift register remain unchanged.

ST_CP: Time sequence input of storage register. On the rising edge, data in the shift register moves into memory register.

OE: Output enable pin, active at low level; here connected to GND to keep 74HC595 in output enable state.

DS: Serial data input pin

VCC: Positive supply voltage

GND: Ground

The schematic diagram is shown as below:


Principle: In this experiment, connect 74HC595’s ST_CP to Raspberry Pi’s B18, SH_CP to B27, and DS to B17; connect a current-limit resistor and then a LED to Q0-Q7 respectively; connect MR and VCC to 5V, CE and GND to GND. Input data in DS pin to the shift register when SH_CP (the clock input of the shift register) is at the rising edge, and to the memory register when ST_CP (the clock input of the memory) is at the rising edge, and output to Q0-Q7. Then you can control the states of SH_CP and ST_CP via Raspberry Pi GPIO to transform serial input data into parallel output data so as to save Raspberry Pi GPIOs.

Experimental Procedures

Step 1: Build the circuit. If you want to take out the chip from the breadboard, DO NOT pull it in one direction forcefully, for fear that the pins on it may be bent and you may get hurt. Try to use a sharp tool to cross the notch of the breadboard to remove the chip.


For C Language Users:

Step 2: Get into the folder of the code.

cd /home/pi/SunFounder_Super_Kit_V3.0_for_Raspberry_Pi/C

Step 3: Compile.

make 13_74HC595_LED

Step 4: Run the executable file above.

sudo ./13_74HC595_LED


If it does not work after running, or there is an error prompt: “wiringPi.h: No such file or directory”, please refer to C code is not working?.


#include <wiringPi.h>
#include <stdio.h>

#define   SDI   0   //serial data input
#define   RCLK  1   //memory clock input(STCP)
#define   SRCLK 2   //shift register clock input(SHCP)

unsigned char LED[8] = {0x01,0x02,0x04,0x08,0x10,0x20,0x40,0x80};

void pulse(int pin){
    digitalWrite(pin, 0);
    digitalWrite(pin, 1);

void SIPO(unsigned char byte){
    int i;

        digitalWrite(SDI, ((byte & (0x80 >> i)) > 0));

void init(void){
    pinMode(SDI, OUTPUT); //make P0 output
    pinMode(RCLK, OUTPUT); //make P0 output
    pinMode(SRCLK, OUTPUT); //make P0 output

    digitalWrite(SDI, 0);
    digitalWrite(RCLK, 0);
    digitalWrite(SRCLK, 0);

int main(void){
    int i;

    if(wiringPiSetup() == -1){ //when initialize wiring failed, print messageto screen
        printf("setup wiringPi failed !");
        return 1;


    printf("|           LEDs with 74HC595          |\n");
    printf("|    ------------------------------    |\n");
    printf("|         SDI connect to GPIO0         |\n");
    printf("|         RCLK connect to GPIO1        |\n");
    printf("|        SRCLK connect to GPIO 2       |\n");
    printf("|                                      |\n");
    printf("|       Control LEDs with 74HC595      |\n");
    printf("|                                      |\n");
    printf("|                            SunFounder|\n");

            //printf("i = %d\n",i);

//          digitalWrite(RCLK,0);



    return 0;

Code Explanation

unsigned char LED[8] = {0x01,0x02,0x04,0x08,0x10,0x20,0x40,0x80};
/* This array is to store the output values of Q0-Q7. For example, 0x01 in
binary format is 0000 0001, thus Q7 Q6 Q5 Q4 Q3 Q2 Q1 Q0 are 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 1 respectively, that is Q0=1, and the LED connected to Q0 will light
up. Thus we can light up the eight LEDs separately in this way. */

void pulse(int pin){ // generate a rising edge

    digitalWrite(pin, 0);

    digitalWrite(pin, 1);


void SIPO(unsigned char byte){
    // Assign the char byte to the SDI bit by bit

    int i;


        digitalWrite(SDI, ((byte & (0x80 >> i)) > 0)); /* Use the for loop to
        count 8 times in cycle, and write a 1-bit data to the SDI each time. The
        data is a result of the AND operation. (0x80 >> i) is to implement the
        operation from left to right by bit, so each time one of the eight bits
        in byte (0000 0001). */

        pulse(SRCLK); /* the shift register generates a rising edge pulse, and
        data in DS will shift to the shift register. */

    } /* This part is to assign the data in byte to SDI(DS) by bits, thus
    when the shift register generates a rising edge pulse, data in SDI(DS)
    will transfer to it by bits. */


void init(void){ // Set DS, ST_CP, SH_CP as output, and low level as the initial state


        SIPO(LED[i]); /* Assign the value in the LED[i] array to SDI(DS). When
        i=1, LED[0]=0x01 shifts to the shift register. */

        pulse(RCLK); /* RCLK (ST_CP) generates a rising edge pulse, and the data
        of the shift register is stored in the RCLK (ST_CP) storage register,
        and output at Q0-Q7. */


    } /* After 8 cycles, Q0-Q7 will output 0x01 to 0x10 in sequence, that is to
    light up the LEDs connected to Q0-Q7 in turn. */

Sketch in later part not explained here is to light up 8 LEDs together, and dim them; then light up LEDs connected to Q7-Q0 one by one, and all 8 LEDs light up, dim in the end. Thus, a cycle completes. You can observe the LEDs’ state.

For Python Users:

Step 2: Get into the folder of the code.

cd /home/pi/SunFounder_Super_Kit_V3.0_for_Raspberry_Pi/Python

Step 3: Run.

sudo python3 13_74HC595_LED.py


import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
import time
from sys import version_info

if version_info.major == 3:
    raw_input = input

SDI   = 17
RCLK  = 18
SRCLK = 27

#===============   LED Mode Defne ================
#   You can define yourself, in binay, and convert it to Hex
#   8 bits a group, 0 means off, 1 means on
#   like : 0101 0101, means LED1, 3, 5, 7 are on.(from left to right)
#   and convert to 0x55.

LED0 = [0x01,0x02,0x04,0x08,0x10,0x20,0x40,0x80]    #original mode
BLINK = [0xff,0x00,0xff,0x00,0xff,0x00]         #blink
LED1 = [0x01,0x03,0x07,0x0f,0x1f,0x3f,0x7f,0xff]    #blink mode 1
LED2 = [0x01,0x05,0x15,0x55,0xb5,0xf5,0xfb,0xff]    #blink mode 2
LED3 = [0x02,0x03,0x0b,0x0f,0x2f,0x3f,0xbf,0xff]    #blink mode 3

def print_message():
    print ("========================================")
    print ("|           LEDs with 74HC595          |")
    print ("|    ------------------------------    |")
    print ("|         SDI connect to GPIO17        |")
    print ("|         RCLK connect to GPIO18       |")
    print ("|        SRCLK connect to GPIO27       |")
    print ("|                                      |")
    print ("|       Control LEDs with 74HC595      |")
    print ("|                                      |")
    print ("|                            SunFounder|")
    print ("========================================")
    print ("Program is running...")
    print ("Please press Ctrl+C to end the program..")
    #raw_input ("Press Enter to begin\n")

def setup():
    GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM)    # Number GPIOs by its BCM location
    GPIO.setup(SDI, GPIO.OUT, initial=GPIO.LOW)
    GPIO.setup(RCLK, GPIO.OUT, initial=GPIO.LOW)
    GPIO.setup(SRCLK, GPIO.OUT, initial=GPIO.LOW)

# Shift the data to 74HC595
def hc595_shift(dat):
    for bit in range(0, 8):
        GPIO.output(SDI, 0x80 & (dat << bit))
        GPIO.output(SRCLK, GPIO.HIGH)
        GPIO.output(SRCLK, GPIO.LOW)
    GPIO.output(RCLK, GPIO.HIGH)
    GPIO.output(RCLK, GPIO.LOW)

def main():
    mode = LED0 # Change Mode, modes from LED0 to LED3
    sleeptime = 0.15        # Change speed, lower value, faster speed
    blink_sleeptime = 0.3
    leds = ['-', '-', '-', '-', '-', '-', '-', '-']
    while True:
        # Change LED status from mode
        print ("  mode  ")
        for onoff in mode:
            leds[mode.index(onoff)] = 1    # Show which led is on
            print (leds)
            leds[mode.index(onoff)] = '-'  # Show the led is off

        print ("  blink  ")
        for onoff in BLINK:
            if (onoff == 0x00):
                leds = ['-'] * 8
            elif (onoff == 0xff):
                leds = [1] * 8
            print (leds)

        # Change LED status from mode reverse
        print ("  reversed mode  ")
        for onoff in reversed(mode):
            leds[mode.index(onoff)] = 1    # Show which led is on
            print (leds)
            leds[mode.index(onoff)] = '-'  # Show the led is off

        print ("  blink  ")
        for onoff in BLINK:
            if (onoff == 0x00):
                leds = ['-'] * 8
            elif (onoff == 0xff):
                leds = [1] * 8
            print (leds)

def destroy():

if __name__ == '__main__':
    except KeyboardInterrupt:

Code Explanation

LED0 = [0x01,0x02,0x04,0x08,0x10,0x20,0x40,0x80] ''' Define some LED
blinking modes. Convert hexadecimal value to binary value will be more
intuitionistic. For instance, 0x01 is binary 00000001, meaning the last
LED lighting up; 0x80 is binary 10000000, representing the first LED
lighting up. '''

LED1 = [0x01,0x03,0x07,0x0f,0x1f,0x3f,0x7f,0xff] # blink mode 1

LED2 = [0x01,0x05,0x15,0x55,0xb5,0xf5,0xfb,0xff] # blink mode 2

LED3 = [0x02,0x03,0x0b,0x0f,0x2f,0x3f,0xbf,0xff] # blink mode 3

# Shift the data to 74HC595

def hc595_shift(dat): # Shift the data to 74HC595

    for bit in range(0, 8):

        GPIO.output(SDI, 0x80 & (dat << bit)) # Assig·n dat data to SDI pins of HC595 by bits

        GPIO.output(SRCLK, GPIO.HIGH) # Every SRCLK adds one, the shift register moves one bit.


        GPIO.output(SRCLK, GPIO.LOW)

    GPIO.output(RCLK, GPIO.HIGH) # Everytime RCLK adds one, the HC595 updates output.


    GPIO.output(RCLK, GPIO.LOW)

leds = ['-', '-', '-', '-', '-', '-', '-', '-']
# the array storing the LED state, used for command line printing.

while True:

    # Change LED status from mode

    print (" mode")

    for onoff in mode: # Assign value to variable onoff by mode[] list


        leds[mode.index(onoff)] = 1 # Show which led is on

        print (leds)


        leds[mode.index(onoff)] = '-' # Show the led is off

        # for loops in later part work similarly, lighting up LED by list.

Input a 2-bit hexadecimal parameter dat via hc595_in(dat) to control 8 LEDs state, and hc595_out() will output state to 8 LEDs. In While True, the for loop will shift the LED blinking list to the hc595_in(dat) function, thus we can see the LED light flowingHere you should see eight LEDs light up one by one, and then all light up and dim after a while; then eight LEDs will light up from reverse direction one by one, and then all light up and then dim after a while. This cycle will keep running.
