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SunFounder Ultimate Sensor Kit
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Ever been disappointed by an online learning kit that came with just a basic guide? Have you dreamed of delving into the world of electronics, but felt overwhelmed by the complexity?
Seen brilliant electronic projects showcased by enthusiasts and wondered how they got started?
Introducing: The Ultimate Sensor Kit with Arduino Uno R4 Minima. The answer to all your creative challenges in one compact package.
Driven by the revolutionary Arduino R4, this kit signifies a new era for open-source enthusiasts. With a powerful 32-bit processor, ample memory, and more, it’s designed to seamlessly integrate with both new and existing projects.
Not only does it come with over 30 state-of-the-art modules like the Ultrasonic Sensor, Flame Sensor, Accelerometer & Gyroscope, and even the Pulse Oximeter and Heart Rate Sensor, but each component is paired with a beginner-friendly code example. This ensures you not only possess the tools but also the initial know-how.
Dive deep into the world of IoT with tailored projects that link the Arduino to platforms like Blynk via the ESP8266 WiFi module. Unleash your innovation by designing projects such as the Flame Alert System, Intrusion Alert System, and even a Bluetooth-controlled environmental monitor.
But that’s not all; dive into an array of engaging projects! Construct a smart trash can, develop an automatic soap dispenser, or perhaps a motion-triggered relay. The kit expands your horizons, allowing you to translate imagination into tangible creations.
This isn’t just about following steps; it’s about understanding, experimenting, and inventing. Instead of merely replicating, you’ll be crafting projects that are uniquely yours.
Why just be a spectator when you can be a creator? Begin your journey into the captivating world of electronics with the Ultimate Sensor Kit. Your adventure starts here!
If you have any questions or other interesting ideas, feel free to send an email to
About the display language
In addition to English, we are working on other languages for this course. Please contact if you are interested in helping, and we will give you a free product in return.
Currently the online tutorial supports English, German and Japanese. Please click the Read the Docs icon in the lower left corner of the page to change the display language.

Table of contents
- About Ultimate Sensor Kit
- Get Started with Arduino
- Arduino Video Course
- Video 1 - Arduino Uno R4 Minima
- Video 2 - Introducing the Arduino IDE
- Video 3: Basic Circuits and Breadboarding
- Video 4: Variables, Data Types, and Constants
- Video 5: Digital Inputs and Conditional Logic
- Video 6: Analog to Digital Conversion
- Video 7: Understanding Photoresistors
- Video 8: Controlling RGB Full Color LED through Pulse Width Modulation (PWM)
- Video 9: User-Defined Functions and Serial Input | Potentiometer to Control RGB LED
- Video 10: Arrays and Piezo Buzzers | Playing Musical Tones
- Video 11: Servo Motor | Single-Axis Solar Tracker using Photoresistors
- Video 12: millis Function 丨 Handling Multiple Tasks 丨 Non-Blocking Code
- Video 13: Hardware Interrupts | Debouncing a Button
- Video 14: I2C 16x2 LCD Display 丨 DHT11 - Humidity and Temperature Sensor 丨 Heat Index
- Video 15: SSD1306 OLED Display | Text, Graphics, and Animation
- Download the Code
- Component Basics
- Arduino UNO R4 Minima Board
- Breadboard
- Jumper Wires
- Ultrasonic Sensor Module (HC-SR04)
- Gas/Smoke Sensor Module (MQ2)
- Flame Sensor Module
- Vibration Sensor Module (SW-420)
- Accelerometer & Gyroscope Module (MPU6050)
- Button Module
- Photoresistor Module
- Potentiometer Module
- IR Obstacle Avoidance Sensor Module
- Capacitive Soil Moisture Module
- Raindrop Detection Module
- Temperature and Humidity Sensor Module (DHT11)
- PIR Motion Module (HC-SR501)
- Temperature, Humidity & Pressure Sensor (BMP280)
- Pulse Oximeter and Heart Rate Sensor (MAX30102)
- Real Time Clock Module (DS1302)
- Touch Sensor Module
- Infrared Speed Sensor Module
- Joystick Module
- Time of Flight Micro-LIDAR Distance Sensor (VL53L0X)
- I2C LCD 1602
- OLED Display Module
- Traffic Light Module
- RGB Module
- 5V Relay Module
- Passive Buzzer Module
- Servo Motor (SG90)
- Centrifugal Pump
- TT Motor
- ESP8266 Module
- JDY-31 Bluetooth Module
- IoT Projects
- Get Started with Blynk
- Flame Alert System with Blynk
- Intrusion Alert System with Blynk
- Plant Monitor with Blynk
- Remote Relay Controller with Blynk
- Auto Watering System with Blynk
- Vibration Alert System with IFTTT
- Weather Monitor with ThingSpeak
- Get Started with Bluetooth
- Bluetooth LCD
- Bluetooth Traffic Light
- Bluetooth Lock Controller
- Bluetooth RGB Controller
- Bluetooth Environmental Monitor
- Bluetooth Piano
- Bluetooth OLED
- Bluetooth Remote Relay
- Bluetooth Voice-control Relay
- Fun Projects
- Thank You
Copyright Notice
All contents including but not limited to texts, images, and code in this manual are owned by the SunFounder Company. You should only use it for personal study, investigation, enjoyment, or other non-commercial or nonprofit purposes, under the related regulations and copyrights laws, without infringing the legal rights of the author and relevant right holders. For any individual or organization that uses these for commercial profit without permission, the Company reserves the right to take legal action.