Touch toggle light

The project involves creating a simple traffic light control mechanism using a touch sensor and a traffic light LED module. When the touch sensor is activated, the LEDs will cycle through the following sequence: Red -> Yellow -> Green.

1. Build the Circuit


2. Code

  1. Open the 08-Touch_toggle_light.ino file under the path of ultimate-sensor-kit\fun_project\08-Touch_toggle_light, or copy this code into Arduino IDE.

3. Code explanation

This project operates on a simple principle: when a touch is detected on the touch sensor, the next LED in the sequence (Red -> Yellow -> Green) will light up. The state of which LED is currently active is managed by the variable currentLED.

  1. Define pins and initial values

    const int touchSensorPin = 2;  // touch sensor pin
    const int rledPin = 9;         // red LED pin
    const int yledPin = 8;         // yellow LED pin
    const int gledPin = 7;         // green LED pin
    int lastTouchState;     // the previous state of touch sensor
    int currentTouchState;  // the current state of touch sensor
    int currentLED = 0;     // current LED 0->Red, 1->Yellow, 2->Green

    These lines define the pins that we connect the components to on the Arduino board and initialize the states for touch and LEDs.

  2. setup() function

    void setup() {
      Serial.begin(9600);              // initialize serial
      pinMode(touchSensorPin, INPUT);  // configure touch sensor pin as input
      // set LED pins as outputs
      pinMode(rledPin, OUTPUT);
      pinMode(yledPin, OUTPUT);
      pinMode(gledPin, OUTPUT);
      currentTouchState = digitalRead(touchSensorPin);

    This function runs once when the Arduino is powered on or reset. Here, the touch sensor is set as an input (it will read values), while the LEDs are set as outputs (we will set their values). Also, the serial communication is started to allow debugging, and the initial touch state is read.

  3. loop() function

    void loop() {
      lastTouchState = currentTouchState;               // save the last state
      currentTouchState = digitalRead(touchSensorPin);  // read new state
      if (lastTouchState == LOW && currentTouchState == HIGH) {
        Serial.println("The sensor is touched");
        turnAllLEDsOff();  // Turn off all LEDs
        // switch on the next LED in sequence
        switch (currentLED) {
          case 0:
            digitalWrite(rledPin, HIGH);
            currentLED = 1;
          case 1:
            digitalWrite(yledPin, HIGH);
            currentLED = 2;
          case 2:
            digitalWrite(gledPin, HIGH);
            currentLED = 0;

    In the main loop, the current touch state is read and compared with the previous one. If a touch is detected (transition from LOW to HIGH), all LEDs are turned off, and the next one in the sequence is turned on.

  4. Turn off LEDs function

    void turnAllLEDsOff() {
      digitalWrite(rledPin, LOW);
      digitalWrite(yledPin, LOW);
      digitalWrite(gledPin, LOW);

    This function, when called, will turn off all the LEDs by setting their pins to LOW.