Auto Watering System with Blynk

This project aims to demonstrate an automated irrigation system that utilizes soil moisture sensors and water pumps. The Blynk app is used for user interaction, where it receives the soil moisture data and sends watering threshold and automatic mode status to the system. When the soil moisture drops below the threshold while in automatic mode, the system activates the water pump.

1. Build the Circuit


The ESP8266 module requires a high current to provide a stable operating environment, so make sure the 9V battery is plugged in.


2. Configure Blynk


If you are not familiar with Blynk, it is strongly recommended that you read these two tutorials first. Get Started with Blynk is a beginner’s guide for Blynk, which includes how to configure ESP8266 and register with Blynk. And Flame Alert System with Blynk is a simple example, but the description of the steps will be more detailed.

2.1 Create template

Firstly, we need to establish a template on Blynk. Create a “Auto watering system” template.

2.2 Datastream

Create Datastreams of type Virtual Pin in the Datastream page receive data from esp8266 and uno r4 board.

  • Create Virtual Pin V0 according to the following diagram:

    Set the name of the Virtual Pin V0 to Moisture Percentage. Set the DATA TYPE to Double and MIN and MAX to 0 and 100. Set the UNITS to Percentage,%.

  • Create Virtual Pin V1 according to the following diagram:

    Set the name of the Virtual Pin V1 to Water Threshold. Set the DATA TYPE to Double and MIN and MAX to 0 and 100. Set the UNITS to Percentage,%.

  • Create Virtual Pin V2 according to the following diagram:

    Set the name of the Virtual Pin V2 to Auto Mode. Set the DATA TYPE to Integer and MIN and MAX to 0 and 1.


2.3 Web Dashboard

We also need to configure the Web Dashboard to interact with the Auto watering system.

Configure the Web Dashboard according to the following diagram. We used widgets such as label, gauge, switch, slider and chart. Be sure to bind each widget to its corresponding virtual pin.


3. Run the Code

  1. Open the 07-Auto_watering_system.ino file under the path of ultimate-sensor-kit\iot_project\wifi\07-Auto_watering_system, or copy this code into Arduino IDE.

  2. Create a Blynk device using the “Auto watering system” template. Then, replace the BLYNK_TEMPLATE_ID, BLYNK_TEMPLATE_NAME, and BLYNK_AUTH_TOKEN with your own.

    #define BLYNK_TEMPLATE_ID "TMPxxxxxxx"
    #define BLYNK_TEMPLATE_NAME "Auto watering system"
    #define BLYNK_AUTH_TOKEN "xxxxxxxxxxxxx"
  3. You also need to enter the ssid and password of the WiFi you are using.

    char ssid[] = "your_ssid";
    char pass[] = "your_password";
  4. After selecting the correct board and port, click the Upload button.

  5. Open the Serial monitor(set baudrate to 115200) and wait for a prompt such as a successful connection to appear.



    If the message ESP is not responding appears when you connect, please follow these steps.

    • Make sure the 9V battery is plugged in.

    • Reset the ESP8266 module by connecting the pin RST to GND for 1 second, then unplug it.

    • Press the reset button on the R4 board.

    Sometimes, you may need to repeat the above operation 3-5 times, please be patient.

4. Code explanation

  1. Blynk Cloud Setup and Library Imports

    These lines define unique IDs and tokens required to identify and authenticate your Arduino device with the Blynk cloud. Additionally, essential libraries are imported for using the ESP8266 WiFi module, Blynk functionalities, and software serial communication.

    #define BLYNK_TEMPLATE_ID "TMPLxxxxxx"
    #define BLYNK_TEMPLATE_NAME "Auto watering system"
    #define BLYNK_AUTH_TOKEN "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
    #define BLYNK_PRINT Serial
    #include <ESP8266_Lib.h>
    #include <BlynkSimpleShieldEsp8266.h>
    #include <SoftwareSerial.h>
  2. WiFi and Hardware Configuration

    WiFi credentials (ssid and pass) are defined here. The pins 2 (RX) and 3 (TX) are set for software serial communication between the Arduino and the ESP8266. The baud rate for this communication is defined as 115200.

    char ssid[] = "your_ssid";
    char pass[] = "your_password";
    SoftwareSerial EspSerial(2, 3);
    #define ESP8266_BAUD 115200
    ESP8266 wifi(&EspSerial);
  3. Define pins and global variables

    Pins for the water pump control and soil moisture sensor are defined along with global variables to store sensor values, thresholds, modes etc.

    You need to measure your own moistureInAir and moistureInWater according to the your actual situation. To avoid the calculated moisturePercentage exceeding the range of 0-100%, adjust the moistureInAir reading upwards to account for sensor fluctuations. Conversely, adjust the moistureInWater reading downwards when recording to compensate for these fluctuations.

    // Define pin configurations for the water pump
    const int pump1A = 9;
    const int pump1B = 10;
    bool pumpStatus = 0;  // 0 indicates OFF, 1 indicates ON
    // Define the soil moisture sensor
    const float moistureInAir = 535;    // Measure by placing the sensor in air
    const float moistureInWater = 280;  // Measure by immersing the sensor in water
    const int sensorPin = A0;
    int sensorValue = 0;  // Stores the raw sensor value
    int autoMode = 0;
    int waterThreshold = 0;        // The soil moisture percentage threshold to activate watering
    float moisturePercentage = 0;  // The calculated soil moisture percentage
  4. Initial Configurations in the setup() Function

    We set two timers:

    • We use timer.setInterval(10000L, updateDataTimer) to set the timer interval, here we set to execute the updateDataTimer() function every 10000ms. You can modify the first parameter to change the interval between updateDataTimer() executions.

    • We use timer.setInterval(35000L, autoWaterTimer) to set the timer interval, here we set to execute the autoWaterTimer() function every 35000ms. You can modify the first parameter to change the interval between autoWaterTimer() executions.

    void setup() {
      pinMode(pump1A, OUTPUT);    // set pump1A as output
      pinMode(pump1B, OUTPUT);    // set pump1B as output
      digitalWrite(pump1B, LOW);  // Keep pump1B low
      Serial.begin(115200);           // Start serial communication at 115200 baud rate for debugging
      EspSerial.begin(ESP8266_BAUD);  // Set ESP8266 baud rate
      // Configure Blynk and connect to WiFi
      Blynk.config(wifi, BLYNK_AUTH_TOKEN);
      Blynk.connectWiFi(ssid, pass);
      // Configure timer events
      timer.setInterval(10000L, updateDataTimer);  // Update sensor data every 10 seconds
      timer.setInterval(35000L, autoWaterTimer);   // Check watering conditions every 35 seconds
  5. loop() Function

    This continuously running loop allows the Blynk library to check for updates and handles the defined timer events.

    void loop() {;;
  6. Blynk App Interaction

    These functions are triggered based on specific interactions with the Blynk app:

    • BLYNK_CONNECTED(): Called when the device connects to Blynk. Syncs the initial states of the virtual pins.

    • BLYNK_WRITE(V1): Triggered when Virtual Pin 1 changes (water threshold).

    • BLYNK_WRITE(V2): Triggered when Virtual Pin 2 changes (auto mode status).

    // This function is called every time the device is connected to the Blynk.Cloud
      Blynk.syncVirtual(V1);  // Sync water threshold
      Blynk.syncVirtual(V2);  // Sync auto mode status
    // This function is called every time the Virtual Pin 1 state changes
      waterThreshold = param.asInt();  // Update watering threshold
      Serial.print("Received threshold.   waterThreshold:");
    // This function is called every time the Virtual Pin 2 state changes
      autoMode = param.asInt();  // Update auto mode status
      if (autoMode == 1) {
        Serial.println("The switch on Blynk has been turned on.");
      } else {
        Serial.println("The switch on Blynk has been turned off.");
  7. Timer Callbacks and Automatic Watering Logic

    These functions handle the tasks that the timers run:

    • updateDataTimer(): Calls sendData() to send current moisture data to Blynk.

    • autoWaterTimer(): Calls autoWater() to check if watering is required.

    • sendData(): Calculates soil moisture percentage, logs it, and sends it to the Blynk app.

    • autoWater(): Checks whether the soil needs watering based on the set threshold and if automatic mode is on.

    void updateDataTimer() {
    void autoWaterTimer() {
    // Function to send sensor data to Blynk app
    void sendData() {
      // Calculate soil moisture percentage
      sensorValue = analogRead(sensorPin);
      moisturePercentage = 1 - (sensorValue - moistureInWater) / (moistureInAir - moistureInWater);
      Serial.println("Update soil moisture data ...");
      Serial.print("  moisturePercentage:");
      Serial.println(moisturePercentage * 100);
      // Send moisture percentage to Blynk app
      Blynk.virtualWrite(V0, moisturePercentage * 100);
    // Function to control automatic watering based on soil moisture and user settings
    void autoWater() {
      if (autoMode == 1 && moisturePercentage * 100 < waterThreshold) {
        if (!pumpStatus) {
          // Turn off pump after 2 seconds
          timer.setTimeout(2000L, turnOffPump);
  8. Pump Control Functions

    These functions directly control the operation of the water pump:

    • turnOnPump(): Activates the pump.

    • turnOffPump(): Deactivates the pump.

    // Function to turn on the water pump
    void turnOnPump() {
      digitalWrite(pump1A, HIGH);
      pumpStatus = 1;
    // Function to turn off the water pump
    void turnOffPump() {
      digitalWrite(pump1A, LOW);
      pumpStatus = 0;
