Intrusion Alert System with Blynk

This project demonstrate a simple home intrusion detection system using a passive infrared (PIR) sensor (HC-SR501). When the system is set to ‘Away’ mode through the Blynk app, the PIR sensor monitors for motion. Any detected movement triggers a notification on the Blynk app, alerting the user of potential intrusion.

1. Build the Circuit


The ESP8266 module requires a high current to provide a stable operating environment, so make sure the 9V battery is plugged in.


2. Configure Blynk


If you are not familiar with Blynk, it is strongly recommended that you read these two tutorials first. Get Started with Blynk is a beginner’s guide for Blynk, which includes how to configure ESP8266 and register with Blynk. And Flame Alert System with Blynk is a simple example, but the description of the steps will be more detailed.

2.1 Create template

Firstly, we need to establish a template on Blynk. Follow the steps below to create a “Intrusion Alert System” template.


2.2 Datastream

Create Datastreams of type Virtual Pin in the Datastream page receive data from esp8266 and uno r4 board.

  • Create Virtual Pin V0 according to the following diagram:

    Set the name of the Virtual Pin V0 to AwayMode. Set the DATA TYPE to Integer and MIN and MAX to 0 and 1.

  • Create Virtual Pin V1 according to the following diagram:

    Set the name of the Virtual Pin V1 to Current status. Set the DATA TYPE to String.


Make sure that you have set up two Virtual Pins according to the steps above.


2.3 Event

Next, we will create an event that logs the detection of intrusion and sends an email notification.


It is recommended to keep it consistent with my settings, otherwise you may need to modify the code to run the project. Make sure that the EVENT CODE is set as intrusion_detected.


Go to the Notifications page and configure email settings.


2.4 Web Dashboard

We also need to configure the Web Dashboard to interact with the Intrusion Alert System.

Drag and drop a Switch widget and a Label widget to the Web Dashboard page.


In the settings page of the Switch widget, select Datastream as AwayMode(V0). Set ONLABEL and OFFLABEL to display “away home” when the switch is turned on, and “at home” when the switch is turned off.


In the settings page of the Label widget, select Datastream as Current status(V1).


2.5 Save template

At last, remember to save the template.


3. Run the Code

  1. Open the 02-Intrusion_alert_system.ino file under the path of ultimate-sensor-kit\iot_project\wifi\02-Intrusion_alert_system, or copy this code into Arduino IDE.

  2. Create a Blynk device using the “Intrusion Alert System” template. Then, replace the BLYNK_TEMPLATE_ID, BLYNK_TEMPLATE_NAME, and BLYNK_AUTH_TOKEN with your own.

    #define BLYNK_TEMPLATE_ID "TMPxxxxxxx"
    #define BLYNK_TEMPLATE_NAME "Intrusion Alert System"
    #define BLYNK_AUTH_TOKEN "xxxxxxxxxxxxx"
  3. You also need to enter the ssid and password of the WiFi you are using.

    char ssid[] = "your_ssid";
    char pass[] = "your_password";
  4. After selecting the correct board and port, click the Upload button.

  5. Open the Serial monitor(set baudrate to 115200) and wait for a prompt such as a successful connection to appear.



    If the message ESP is not responding appears when you connect, please follow these steps.

    • Make sure the 9V battery is plugged in.

    • Reset the ESP8266 module by connecting the pin RST to GND for 1 second, then unplug it.

    • Press the reset button on the R4 board.

    Sometimes, you may need to repeat the above operation 3-5 times, please be patient.

4. Code explanation

  1. Configuration & Libraries

    Here, constants and credentials for Blynk are set up. Necessary libraries for the ESP8266 WiFi module and Blynk are included.

    #define BLYNK_TEMPLATE_ID "TMPxxxx"
    #define BLYNK_TEMPLATE_NAME "Intrusion Alert System"
    #define BLYNK_AUTH_TOKEN "xxxxxx-"
    #define BLYNK_PRINT Serial
    #include <ESP8266_Lib.h>
    #include <BlynkSimpleShieldEsp8266.h>
  2. WiFi Setup

    Configure WiFi credentials and set up software serial communication with the ESP01 module.

    char ssid[] = "your_ssid";
    char pass[] = "your_password";
    SoftwareSerial EspSerial(2, 3);
    #define ESP8266_BAUD 115200
    ESP8266 wifi(&EspSerial);
  3. PIR Sensor Configuration

    Define the pin where the PIR sensor is connected and initialize state variables.

    const int sensorPin = 8;
    int state = 0;
    int awayHomeMode = 0;
    BlynkTimer timer;
  4. setup() Function

    This initializes the PIR sensor as an input, sets up serial communication, connects to WiFi, and configures Blynk.

    • We use timer.setInterval(1000L, myTimerEvent) to set the timer interval in setup(), here we set to execute the myTimerEvent() function every 1000ms. You can modify the first parameter of timer.setInterval(1000L, myTimerEvent) to change the interval between myTimerEvent executions.

    void setup() {
       pinMode(sensorPin, INPUT);
       Blynk.config(wifi, BLYNK_AUTH_TOKEN);
       Blynk.connectWiFi(ssid, pass);
       timer.setInterval(1000L, myTimerEvent);
  5. loop() Function

    The loop function repeatedly runs Blynk and the Blynk timer functions.

    void loop() {;;
  6. Blynk App Interaction

    These functions are called when the device connects to Blynk and when there’s a change in the state of the virtual pin V0 on the Blynk app.

    • Every time the device connects to the Blynk server, or reconnects due to poor network conditions, the BLYNK_CONNECTED() function is called. The Blynk.syncVirtual() command request a single Virtual Pin value. The specified Virtual Pin will perform BLYNK_WRITE() call. Please refer to Blynk - State Syncing for more details.

    • Whenever the value of a virtual pin on the BLYNK server changes, it will trigger BLYNK_WRITE(). More details at Blynk - BLYNK_WRITE() .

    // This function is called every time the device is connected to the Blynk.Cloud
    // This function is called every time the Virtual Pin 0 state changes
       awayHomeMode = param.asInt();
       // additional logic
  7. Data Handling

    Every second, the myTimerEvent() function calls sendData(). If the away mode is enabled on Blynk, it checks the PIR sensor and sends a notification to Blynk if motion is detected.

    • We use Blynk.virtualWrite(V1, "Somebody in your house! Please check!"); to change the text of a label.

    • Use Blynk.logEvent("intrusion_detected"); to log event to Blynk.

    void myTimerEvent() {
    void sendData() {
       if (awayHomeMode == 1) {
          state = digitalRead(sensorPin);  // Read the state of the PIR sensor
          // If the sensor detects movement, send an alert to the Blynk app
          if (state == HIGH) {
            Serial.println("Somebody here!");
            Blynk.virtualWrite(V1, "Somebody in your house! Please check!");
