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モジュール modules
クラス Ultrasonic
# Import Ultrasonic and Pin class from robot_hat import Ultrasonic, Pin # Create Motor object us = Ultrasonic(Pin("D2"), Pin("D3")) # Read distance distance = us.read() print(f"Distance: {distance}cm")API
クラス ADXL345
# Import ADXL345 class from robot_hat import ADXL345 # Create ADXL345 object adxl = ADXL345() # or with a custom I2C address adxl = ADXL345(address=0x53) # Read acceleration of each axis x = adxl.read(adxl.X) y = adxl.read(adxl.Y) z = adxl.read(adxl.Z) print(f"Acceleration: {x}, {y}, {z}") # Or read all axis at once x, y, z = adxl.read() print(f"Acceleration: {x}, {y}, {z}") # Or print all axis at once print(f"Acceleration: {adxl.read()}")API
# Import RGB_LED and PWM class from robot_hat import RGB_LED, PWM # Create RGB_LED object for common anode RGB LED rgb = RGB_LED(PWM(0), PWM(1), PWM(2), common=RGB_LED.ANODE) # or for common cathode RGB LED rgb = RGB_LED(PWM(0), PWM(1), PWM(2), common=RGB_LED.CATHODE) # Set color with 24 bit int rgb.color(0xFF0000) # Red # Set color with RGB tuple rgb.color((0, 255, 0)) # Green # Set color with RGB List rgb.color([0, 0, 255]) # Blue # Set color with RGB hex string starts with “#” rgb.color("#FFFF00") # YellowAPI
クラス Buzzer
# Import Buzzer class from robot_hat import Buzzer # Import Pin for active buzzer from robot_hat import Pin # Import PWM for passive buzzer from robot_hat import PWM # import Music class for tones from robot_hat import Music # Import time for sleep import time music = Music() # Create Buzzer object for passive buzzer p_buzzer = Buzzer(PWM(0)) # Create Buzzer object for active buzzer a_buzzer = Buzzer(Pin("D0"))アクティブブザーのビープ音
while True: a_buzzer.on() time.sleep(0.5) a_buzzer.off() time.sleep(0.5)パッシブブザーの簡単な使用方法
# Play a Tone for 1 second p_buzzer.play(music.note("C3"), duration=1) # take adventage of the music beat as duration # set song tempo of the beat value music.tempo(120, 1/4) # Play note with a quarter beat p_buzzer.play(music.note("C3"), music.beat(1/4))パッシブブザーの手動制御
# Play a tone p_buzzer.play(music.note("C4")) # Pause for 1 second time.sleep(1) # Play another tone p_buzzer.play(music.note("C5")) # Pause for 1 second time.sleep(1) # Stop playing p_buzzer.off()曲を演奏する!ベイビーシャーク!
music.tempo(120, 1/4) # Make a Shark-doo-doo function as is all about it def shark_doo_doo(): p_buzzer.play(music.note("C5"), music.beat(1/8)) p_buzzer.play(music.note("C5"), music.beat(1/8)) p_buzzer.play(music.note("C5"), music.beat(1/8)) p_buzzer.play(music.note("C5"), music.beat(1/16)) p_buzzer.play(music.note("C5"), music.beat(1/16 + 1/16)) p_buzzer.play(music.note("C5"), music.beat(1/16)) p_buzzer.play(music.note("C5"), music.beat(1/8)) # loop any times you want from baby to maybe great great great grandpa! for _ in range(3): print("Measure 1") p_buzzer.play(music.note("G4"), music.beat(1/4)) p_buzzer.play(music.note("A4"), music.beat(1/4)) print("Measure 2") shark_doo_doo() p_buzzer.play(music.note("G4"), music.beat(1/8)) p_buzzer.play(music.note("A4"), music.beat(1/8)) print("Measure 3") shark_doo_doo() p_buzzer.play(music.note("G4"), music.beat(1/8)) p_buzzer.play(music.note("A4"), music.beat(1/8)) print("Measure 4") shark_doo_doo() p_buzzer.play(music.note("C5"), music.beat(1/8)) p_buzzer.play(music.note("C5"), music.beat(1/8)) print("Measure 5") p_buzzer.play(music.note("B4"), music.beat(1/4)) time.sleep(music.beat(1/4))API
クラス Grayscale_Module
# Import Grayscale_Module and ADC class from robot_hat import Grayscale_Module, ADC # Create Grayscale_Module object, reference should be calculate from the value reads on white # and black ground, then take the middle as reference gs = Grayscale_Module(ADC(0), ADC(1), ADC(2), reference=2000) # Read Grayscale_Module datas datas = gs.read() print(f"Grayscale Module datas: {datas}") # or read a specific channel l = gs.read(gs.LEFT) m = gs.read(gs.MIDDLE) r = gs.read(gs.RIGHT) print(f"Grayscale Module left channel: {l}") print(f"Grayscale Module middle channel: {m}") print(f"Grayscale Module right channel: {r}") # Read Grayscale_Module simple states state = gs.read_status() print(f"Grayscale_Module state: {state}")API