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クラス I2C

# Import the I2C class
from robot_hat import I2C

# You can scan for available I2C devices
print([f"0x{addr:02X}" for addr in I2C().scan()])
# You should see at least one device address 0x14, which is the
# on board MCU for PWM and ADC

# Initialize a I2C object with device address, for example
# to communicate with on board MCU 0x14
mcu = I2C(0x14)
# Send ADC channel register to read ADC, 0x10 is Channel 0, 0x11 is Channel 1, etc.
mcu.write([0x10, 0x00, 0x00])
# Read 2 byte for MSB and LSB
msb, lsb = mcu.read(2)
# Convert to integer
value = (msb << 8) + lsb
# Print the value
