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7.7 Guess Number

Guessing Numbers is a fun party game where you and your friends input numbers (0-99). With each input of the number, the range will shrink until a player answers the riddle correctly. Then the player is defeated and punished.

As an example, if the lucky number is 51, which the players cannot see, and the player 1 inputs 50, the prompt changes to 50 - 99; if the player 2 inputs 70, the range changes to 50 - 70; if the player 3 inputs 51, the player is unlucky. In this case, numbers are inputted through the keypad, and outcomes are displayed on a LCD screen.


Required Components

In this project, we need the following components.

It’s definitely convenient to buy a whole kit, here’s the link:




Kepler Kit


Kepler Ultimate Kit

You can also buy them separately from the links below.






Getting to Know Pico W




Micro USB Cable







Jumper Wires








4x4 Keypad




I2C LCD1602





This circuit is based on 4.2 4x4 Keypad with the addition of an I2C LCD1602 to display the pressed keys.



To make the wiring easier, in the above diagram, the column row of the matrix keyboard and the 10K resistors are inserted into the holes where G10 ~ G13 are located at the same time.



  • Open the file under the path of kepler-kit-main/micropython or copy this code into Thonny, then click “Run Current Script” or simply press F5 to run it.

  • Don’t forget to click on the “MicroPython (Raspberry Pi Pico)” interpreter in the bottom right corner.

  • For detailed tutorials, please refer to Open and Run Code Directly.

from lcd1602 import LCD
from machine import I2C, Pin
import time
import urandom

# Initialize I2C communication for the LCD1602 display
i2c = I2C(1, sda=Pin(6), scl=Pin(7), freq=400000)

# Create an LCD object for controlling the LCD1602 display
lcd = LCD(i2c)

# Keypad character mapping for a 4x4 matrix keypad
characters = [["1", "2", "3", "A"],
            ["4", "5", "6", "B"],
            ["7", "8", "9", "C"],
            ["*", "0", "#", "D"]]

# Define row pins for the keypad
pin = [21, 20, 19, 18]
row = []
for i in range(4):
    row[i] = machine.Pin(pin[i], machine.Pin.OUT)  # Set row pins as output

# Define column pins for the keypad
pin = [13, 12, 11, 10]
col = []
for i in range(4):
    col[i] = machine.Pin(pin[i], machine.Pin.IN)  # Set column pins as input

# Function to read a key from the keypad
def readKey():
    key = []
    for i in range(4):
        row[i].high()  # Set the row pin high
        for j in range(4):
            if col[j].value() == 1:  # Check if any column is pressed
                key.append(characters[i][j])  # Record the corresponding key
        row[i].low()  # Set the row pin low
    if key == []:
        return None  # Return None if no key is pressed
        return key  # Return the pressed key

# Initialize and reset the game variables (random pointValue, upper/lower limits)
def init_new_value():
    global pointValue, upper, count, lower
    pointValue = int(urandom.uniform(0, 99))  # Generate a random number between 0 and 99
    print(pointValue)  # Print the target number (for debugging)
    upper = 99  # Set initial upper bound
    lower = 0  # Set initial lower bound
    count = 0  # Reset the player's guess count
    return False  # Indicate that the game has not ended

# Function to display the game information on the LCD
# If the player has guessed correctly, show "GAME OVER"
# Otherwise, show the current guess and range
def lcd_show(result):
    lcd.clear()  # Clear the LCD display
    if result == True:  # If the player guessed correctly
        string = "GAME OVER!\n"
        string += "Point is " + str(pointValue)  # Display the correct number
        string = "Enter number: " + str(count) + "\n"  # Show the player's current guess
        string += str(lower) + " < Point < " + str(upper)  # Show the range of possible values
    lcd.message(string)  # Send the string to the LCD

# Process the player's guess and update the upper or lower bound
# If the guess matches the pointValue, return True to indicate the game is over
# Otherwise, update the bounds and return False
def number_processing():
    global upper, count, lower
    if count > pointValue:
        if count < upper:
            upper = count  # Update the upper bound if the guess is too high
    elif count < pointValue:
        if count > lower:
            lower = count  # Update the lower bound if the guess is too low
    elif count == pointValue:
        return True  # Return True if the guess matches the pointValue
    count = 0  # Reset the guess count for the next attempt
    return False

## Main game setup and loop
# Display a welcome message and prompt the user to press 'A' to start
string = "Press A to Start!"
result = init_new_value()  # Initialize game variables

# Main loop to handle keypad input and update the display
last_key = None
while True:
    current_key = readKey()  # Read the current key pressed
    if current_key == last_key:
        continue  # Skip processing if the same key is still pressed
    last_key = current_key  # Update the last pressed key

    if current_key != None:
        # If 'A' is pressed, restart the game with a new target number
        if current_key == ["A"]:
            result = init_new_value()
        # If 'D' is pressed, check if the current guess is correct
        elif current_key == ["D"]:
            result = number_processing()
        # If a number is pressed and the count is less than 10 digits
        elif current_key[0] in list("1234567890") and count < 10:
            count = count * 10 + int(current_key[0])  # Add the digit to the current guess
        lcd_show(result)  # Update the LCD with the current game state
    time.sleep(0.1)  # Small delay for key debounce
  • After the code runs, press A to start the game. A random number point is produced but not displayed on the LCD, and what you need to do is to guess it.

  • The number you have typed appears at the end of the first line till the final calculation is finished. (Press D to start the comparation.)

  • The number range of point is displayed on the second line. And you must type the number within the range.

  • When you type a number, the range narrows; if you got the lucky number luckily or unluckily, there will appear GAME OVER!.


If the code and wiring are fine, but the LCD still does not display content, you can turn the potentiometer on the back to increase the contrast.