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Video 15: Analog Input on the Raspberry Pi Using the ADC0834¶

Learn how to enable analog input on your Raspberry Pi using the ADC0834 analog-to-digital converter, including hardware setup, library installation, and transitioning to the Thonny IDE for Python development.

  1. Introduction to analog input and the need for an ADC on the Raspberry Pi.

  2. Hardware setup and GPIO pin connections for the ADC0834 chip.

  3. Establishing proper power and ground connections for components.

  4. Installation and usage of the ADC0834 library for Python.

  5. Transitioning to Thonny as a modern IDE for clean and efficient coding.

  6. Best practices for troubleshooting and verifying connections before programming.

  7. Library installation: Install the ADC library for Raspberry Pi.

  8. Python setup: Save the library code in a Python file and move it to the correct directory.

  9. GPIO usage: Set up Python program to read analog input using GPIO pins.

  10. Analog reading: Write a Python script to continuously read analog values from the potentiometer.

  11. Channel switching: Demonstrate switching between different channels of the ADC chip.

  12. Homework assignment: Create a dimmable LED controlled by the potentiometer position.
