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class PWM
# Import PWM class
from robot_hat import PWM
# Create PWM object with numeric pin numbering and default input pullup enabled
p0 = PWM(0)
# Create PWM object with named pin numbering
p1 = PWM('P1')
# Set frequency will automatically set prescaller and period
# This is easy for device like Buzzer or LED, which you care
# about the frequency and pulse width percentage.
# this usually use with pulse_width_percent function.
# Set frequency to 1000Hz
print(f"Frequence: {p0.freq()} Hz")
print(f"Prescaler: {p0.prescaler()}")
print(f"Period: {p0.period()}")
# Set pulse width to 50%
# Or set prescaller and period, will get a frequency from:
# frequency = PWM.CLOCK / prescaler / period
# With this setup you can tune the period as you wish.
# set prescaler to 64
# set period to 4096 ticks
print(f"Frequence: {p1.freq()} Hz")
print(f"Prescaler: {p1.prescaler()}")
print(f"Period: {p1.period()}")
# Set pulse width to 2048 which is also 50%