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Lesson 19 Controlling Voice by Light


Previously we have learnt how to use a photoresistor. In this lesson, let’s get further - control a buzzer to beep in different frequencies by the photoresistor.


_images/image171.png _images/image201.png

Experiment Principle

When you shine some light on the photoresistor, if the incident light gets stronger, the resistance of the photoresistor will decrease; if the incident light becomes weaker, the resistance will increase. We can apply this principle to change the voltage distribution in the circuit.

In this experiment, the output of the photoresistor is sent to pin A0 on the SunFounder Uno board and then processed by the ADC on the board to output a digital signal. We use this digital signal as the parameter of the delay() function in the sketch to make the buzzer beep.

When the incident light is strong, the output value gets greater, thus the buzzer will beep slowly; when incident light is weak, the output value is smaller, thus the buzzer will beep sharply.

The schematic diagram:


Experiment Procedures

Step 1: Build the circuit

Step 2: Open the code file.

Step 3: Select the Board and Port.

Step 4: Upload the sketch to the board.


Now, if you place the photoresistor in a dark environment, the buzzer will beep sharply; if you shine a flashlight on the photoresistor, the buzzer beeping will slow down.



Code Analysis 19-1 Set the array elements

void loop()


    sensorValue = analogRead(photocellPin); //read the value of A0

    digitalWrite(buzzerPin, HIGH);

    delay(sensorValue); //wait for a while,and the delay time depend on the sensorValue

    digitalWrite(buzzerPin, LOW);



The value of the photoresistor is read, and when the incident light is strong, the output value becomes large. Then set the buzzer to high level to make it beep, delay the sensorvalue ms, then turn off the buzzer and also delay the sensorvalue ms. So you can see that if you put the photoresistor in a dark environment, the buzzer will make a sharp humming sound; if you illuminate the flashlight on the photoresistor, the buzzer will beep.