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This is the first project. PiSloth has woken up, and it moves freely.


Run the Code

cd ~/pisloth/examples
sudo python3

After running the code, you will see PiSloth move left 7 steps, forward 5 steps, right 7 steps, and forward 5 steps.



You can Modify/Reset/Copy/Run/Stop the code below. But before that, you need to go to source code path like pisloth\examples. After modifying the code, you can run it directly to see the effect.

from pisloth import Sloth

sloth = Sloth([1,2,3,4])

def main():
    sloth.do_action('turn left', 7, 90)
    sloth.do_action('forward', 5, 90)
    sloth.do_action('turn right', 7, 90)
    sloth.do_action('forward', 5, 90)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    while True:

How it works?

First, import the Sloth class from the pisloth library you have installed, which contains all of PiSloth’s actions and the functions that implement them.

from pisloth import Sloth

Then instantiate the Sloth class.

sloth = Sloth([1,2,3,4])

Finally use the sloth.do_action() function to make PiSloth move.

sloth.do_action('turn left', 7, 90)
sloth.do_action('forward', 5, 90)
sloth.do_action('turn right', 7, 90)
sloth.do_action('forward', 5, 90)

In general, all actions of PiSloth can be implemented with the sloth.do_action() function. It has four parameters:

  • motion_name is the name of specific actions, including: forward, turn right, turn left, backward, stand, moon walk left, moon walk right, hook, big swing, swing, walk boldly, walk backward boldly, walk shyly, walk backward shyly, stomp rihgt, stomp left, close, open, tiptoe left, tiptoe right, fall left, fall right.

  • step represents the number of each action is done, the default is 1.

  • speed indicates the speed of the action, the default is 50 and the range is 0~100.

  • bpm means rhythm, we will use it later in the Dance project.


You can add different sound effects or music to musics or sounds folder via Filezilla Software.