5. Stop All Actions

After the previous chapters, you can find that the servo control of PiDog is divided into three threads. This allows PiDog’s head and body to move at the same time, even with two lines of code.

Here are a few functions that work with the three servo threads:


Wait for all the actions in the leg actions buffer, head buffer and tail buffer to be executed


Stop all the actions of legs, head and tail


Stop all the actions of legs, head and tail, then reset to “lie” pose


Stop all the actions, reset to “lie” pose, and close all the threads, usually used when exiting a program

Here are some common usages:

from pidog import Pidog
import time

my_dog = Pidog()

    # pushup prepare
    my_dog.legs_move([[45, 35, -45, -35, 80, 70, -80, -70]], speed=30)
    my_dog.head_move([[0, 0, 0]], pitch_comp=-10, speed=80)
    my_dog.wait_all_done() # wait all the actions to be done

    # pushup
    leg_pushup_action = [
        [90, -30, -90, 30, 80, 70, -80, -70],
        [45, 35, -45, -35, 80, 70, -80, -70],
    head_pushup_action = [
        [0, 0, -30],
        [0, 0, 20],

    # fill action buffers
    for _ in range(50):
        my_dog.legs_move(leg_pushup_action, immediately=False, speed=50)
        my_dog.head_move(head_pushup_action, pitch_comp=-10, immediately=False, speed=50)

    # show buffer length
    print(f"legs buffer length (start): {len(my_dog.legs_action_buffer)}")

    # keep 5 second & show buffer length
    print(f"legs buffer length (5s): {len(my_dog.legs_action_buffer)}")

    # stop action & show buffer length
    print(f"legs buffer length (stop): {len(my_dog.legs_action_buffer)}")

except KeyboardInterrupt:
except Exception as e:
    print(f"\033[31mERROR: {e}\033[m")
    print("closing ...")
    my_dog.close() # close all the servo threads