12. Pat the PiDog’s Head

The Touch Swich on the head of PiDog can detect how you touch it. You can call the following functions to use it.

  • Touch the module from left to right (front to back for PiDog’s orientation), it will return "LS".

  • Touch the module from right to left, it will return "RS".

  • Touch the module If the left side of the module is touched, it will return "L".

  • If the right side of the module is touched, it will return "R".

  • If the module is not touched, it will return "N".

Here is an example of its use:

from pidog import Pidog
import time

my_dog = Pidog()
while True:
    touch_status = my_dog.dual_touch.read()
    print(f"touch_status: {touch_status}")