Windows Users

If you’re a Windows user, you can use Windows PowerShell to login Raspberry Pi remotely.

  1. Press the windows + R shortcut key in your keyboard to open the Run program. Then type powershell in the input box.

  2. Check if your Raspberry Pi is on the same network by type in ping <hostname>.local.

    ping raspberrypi.local
    • If terminal prompts Ping request could not find host <hostname>.local, it is possible that the Raspberry Pi failed to connect to the check the network.

    • If you really can’t ping <hostname>.local, try to Get the IP address and ping <IP address> instead. (e.g., ping

    • If multiple prompts like “Reply from <IP address>: bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=64” appear, it means your computer can access the Raspberry Pi.

  3. Type in ssh <username>@<hostname>.local (or ssh <username>@<IP address>).

    ssh pi@raspberrypi.local
  4. The following message may appear.

    The authenticity of host 'raspberrypi.local (' can't be established.
    ECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256:7ggckKZ2EEgS76a557cddfxFNDOBBuzcJsgaqA/igz4.
    Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no/[fingerprint])?

    Input "yes".

  5. Input the password you set before. (Mine is raspberry.)


    When you input the password, the characters do not display on window accordingly, which is normal. What you need is to input the correct password.

  6. We now get the Raspberry Pi connected and are ready to go to the next step.


Remote Desktop

If you’re not satisfied with using the command window to access your Raspberry Pi, you can also use the remote desktop feature to easily manage files on your Raspberry Pi using a GUI.

Here we use VNC® Viewer.

Enable VNC service

The VNC service has been installed in the system. By default, VNC is disabled. You need to enable it in config.

  1. Input the following command:

    sudo raspi-config
  2. Choose 3 Interfacing Options by press the down arrow key on your keyboard, then press the Enter key.

  3. Then P3 VNC.

  4. Use the arrow keys on the keyboard to select <Yes> -> <OK> -> <Finish> to complete the setup.


Login to VNC

  1. You need to download and install the VNC Viewer on personal computer.

  2. Open it once the installation is complete. Then, enter the host name or IP address and press Enter.

  3. After entering your Raspberry Pi name and password, click OK.

  4. Now you can see the desktop of the Raspberry Pi.
