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1.1.6 LED Dot Matrix Module


In this project, you will learn about LED Matrix Module. LED Matrix Module uses the MAX7219 driver to drive the 8 x 8 LED Matrix.

Required Components

In this project, we need the following components.


It’s definitely convenient to buy a whole kit, here’s the link:




Raphael Kit


Raphael Kit

You can also buy them separately from the links below.



GPIO Extension Board




Jumper Wires


LED Matrix Module


Schematic Diagram

T-Board Name





Pin 19




pin 24




Pin 23




Experimental Procedures

Step 1: Build the circuit.


Step 2: Turn on the SPI before starting the experiment, refer to SPI Configuration for details.

Step 3: Go to the folder of the code.

cd ~/raphael-kit/c/1.1.6/

Step 4: Compile the code.


Step 5:: Run the executable file.

sudo ./1.1.6_LedMatrix

After running the code, the LED Dot Matrix displays from square, heart and number 0 to 9 in sequence.


If it does not work after running, or there is an error prompt: "wiringPi.h: No such file or directory", please refer to Install and Check the WiringPi.


#include <wiringPi.h>
#include <wiringPiSPI.h>
#include <stdio.h>

#define SPI_CHANNEL    0           // Define SPI channel (0 or 1)
#define SPI_SPEED      1000000     // SPI speed set to 1 MHz

// Function to write data to a MAX7219 register
void max7219_write(unsigned char address, unsigned char data) {
    unsigned char buffer[2];
    buffer[0] = address;   // Register address to write to
    buffer[1] = data;      // Data to write into the register
    wiringPiSPIDataRW(SPI_CHANNEL, buffer, 2);  // Send data via SPI

// Function to initialize the MAX7219 display module
void max7219_init() {
    max7219_write(0x09, 0x00); // Decode Mode: No decoding for digits (useful for 7-segment displays)
    max7219_write(0x0A, 0x03); // Intensity: Set brightness level (0x00 to 0x0F)
    max7219_write(0x0B, 0x07); // Scan Limit: Display digits 0-7 (all 8 digits)
    max7219_write(0x0C, 0x01); // Shutdown Register: Normal operation (not in shutdown mode)
    max7219_write(0x0F, 0x00); // Display Test: Normal operation (no test mode)

    // Clear all digits on the display
    for (int i = 1; i <= 8; i++) {
        max7219_write(i, 0x00); // Write 0 to each digit register

// Function to display a pattern on the MAX7219
void max7219_display(unsigned char *data) {
    for (int i = 1; i <= 8; i++) {
        max7219_write(i, data[i - 1]); // Write each row of the pattern to the display

// Function to display a pattern for a specified duration
void display_pattern(const unsigned char pattern[8], int delay_ms) {
    max7219_display((unsigned char *)pattern); // Display the pattern
    delay(delay_ms);                           // Wait for the specified time in milliseconds

// Array of patterns to display
const unsigned char patterns[][8] = {
    // Square pattern
        0b11111111, // Row 1
        0b10000001, // Row 2
        0b10000001, // Row 3
        0b10000001, // Row 4
        0b10000001, // Row 5
        0b10000001, // Row 6
        0b10000001, // Row 7
        0b11111111  // Row 8
    // Heart pattern
        0b01100110, // Row 1
        0b11111111, // Row 2
        0b11111111, // Row 3
        0b11111111, // Row 4
        0b01111110, // Row 5
        0b00111100, // Row 6
        0b00011000, // Row 7
        0b00000000  // Row 8
    // Number 0
        0b00111100, // Row 1
        0b01100110, // Row 2
        0b11000011, // Row 3
        0b11000011, // Row 4
        0b11000011, // Row 5
        0b11000011, // Row 6
        0b01100110, // Row 7
        0b00111100  // Row 8
    // Number 1
        0b00011000, // Row 1
        0b00111000, // Row 2
        0b01111000, // Row 3
        0b00011000, // Row 4
        0b00011000, // Row 5
        0b00011000, // Row 6
        0b01111110, // Row 7
        0b01111110  // Row 8
    // Number 2
        0b01111110, // Row 1
        0b11000011, // Row 2
        0b00000011, // Row 3
        0b00001110, // Row 4
        0b00110000, // Row 5
        0b11000000, // Row 6
        0b11111111, // Row 7
        0b00000000  // Row 8
    // Number 3
        0b01111110, // Row 1
        0b11000011, // Row 2
        0b00000011, // Row 3
        0b00111110, // Row 4
        0b00000011, // Row 5
        0b11000011, // Row 6
        0b01111110, // Row 7
        0b00000000  // Row 8
    // Number 4
        0b00001110, // Row 1
        0b00011110, // Row 2
        0b00110110, // Row 3
        0b01100110, // Row 4
        0b11111111, // Row 5
        0b00000110, // Row 6
        0b00000110, // Row 7
        0b00000000  // Row 8
    // Number 5
        0b11111111, // Row 1
        0b11000000, // Row 2
        0b11111110, // Row 3
        0b00000011, // Row 4
        0b00000011, // Row 5
        0b11000011, // Row 6
        0b01111110, // Row 7
        0b00000000  // Row 8
    // Number 6
        0b00111110, // Row 1
        0b01100000, // Row 2
        0b11000000, // Row 3
        0b11111110, // Row 4
        0b11000011, // Row 5
        0b11000011, // Row 6
        0b01111110, // Row 7
        0b00000000  // Row 8
    // Number 7
        0b11111111, // Row 1
        0b11000011, // Row 2
        0b00000110, // Row 3
        0b00001100, // Row 4
        0b00011000, // Row 5
        0b00110000, // Row 6
        0b00110000, // Row 7
        0b00000000  // Row 8
    // Number 8
        0b01111110, // Row 1
        0b11000011, // Row 2
        0b11000011, // Row 3
        0b01111110, // Row 4
        0b11000011, // Row 5
        0b11000011, // Row 6
        0b01111110, // Row 7
        0b00000000  // Row 8
    // Number 9
        0b01111110, // Row 1
        0b11000011, // Row 2
        0b11000011, // Row 3
        0b01111111, // Row 4
        0b00000011, // Row 5
        0b00000110, // Row 6
        0b01111100, // Row 7
        0b00000000  // Row 8

int main() {
    if (wiringPiSetup() == -1) {
        printf("Failed to initialize WiringPi\n");
        return 1;

    if (wiringPiSPISetup(SPI_CHANNEL, SPI_SPEED) == -1) {
        printf("Failed to initialize SPI\n");
        return 1;

    max7219_init();  // Initialize the MAX7219 module

    // Display patterns in a loop
    while (1) {
        // Display the square pattern
        display_pattern(patterns[0], 1000);  // Display for 1000 milliseconds

        // Display the heart pattern
        display_pattern(patterns[1], 1000);

        // Display numbers 0-9
        for (int i = 2; i <= 11; i++) {
            display_pattern(patterns[i], 1000);

    return 0;

Code Analysis

  1. Header Files:

    • wiringPi.h: Provides functions for GPIO control.

    • wiringPiSPI.h: Provides functions for SPI communication.

    • stdio.h: Standard input/output library for functions like printf.

  2. Definitions:

    • SPI_CHANNEL: Specifies the SPI channel (0 or 1) used for communication.

    • SPI_SPEED: Sets the SPI communication speed to 1 MHz.

    #define SPI_CHANNEL    0           // Define SPI channel (0 or 1)
    #define SPI_SPEED      1000000     // SPI speed set to 1 MHz
  3. Function max7219_write: Sends data to a specific register of the MAX7219 display driver.

    • address: The address of the register to write to.

    • data: The data to write into the register.

    • Creates a buffer containing the address and data.

    • Uses wiringPiSPIDataRW to send the buffer over SPI.

    void max7219_write(unsigned char address, unsigned char data) {
        unsigned char buffer[2];
        buffer[0] = address;   // Register address to write to
        buffer[1] = data;      // Data to write into the register
        wiringPiSPIDataRW(SPI_CHANNEL, buffer, 2);  // Send data via SPI
  4. Function max7219_init: Initializes the MAX7219 display module with required settings.

    • Sets decode mode to “no decode” since we are directly controlling the LEDs.

    • Sets intensity (brightness) to a moderate level (0x03).

    • Sets scan limit to 7 to enable all 8 digits (rows) of the display.

    • Exits shutdown mode to turn on the display.

    • Disables display test mode.

    • Clears the display by writing 0x00 to all digit registers.

    void max7219_init() {
        max7219_write(0x09, 0x00); // Decode Mode: No decoding for digits (useful for 7-segment displays)
        max7219_write(0x0A, 0x03); // Intensity: Set brightness level (0x00 to 0x0F)
        max7219_write(0x0B, 0x07); // Scan Limit: Display digits 0-7 (all 8 digits)
        max7219_write(0x0C, 0x01); // Shutdown Register: Normal operation (not in shutdown mode)
        max7219_write(0x0F, 0x00); // Display Test: Normal operation (no test mode)
        // Clear all digits on the display
        for (int i = 1; i <= 8; i++) {
            max7219_write(i, 0x00); // Write 0 to each digit register
  5. Function max7219_display: Updates the display with a given 8-byte pattern.

    • data: An array containing the pattern to display.

    • Iterates through each of the 8 rows (digits) and writes the corresponding data.

    void max7219_display(unsigned char *data) {
        for (int i = 1; i <= 8; i++) {
            max7219_write(i, data[i - 1]); // Write each row of the pattern to the display
  6. Function display_pattern: Displays a pattern for a specified amount of time.

    • pattern: The pattern to display (array of 8 bytes).

    • delay_ms: Duration to display the pattern in milliseconds.

    • Calls max7219_display to show the pattern.

    • Uses delay to wait for the specified duration.

    void display_pattern(const unsigned char pattern[8], int delay_ms) {
        max7219_display((unsigned char *)pattern); // Display the pattern
        delay(delay_ms);                           // Wait for the specified time in milliseconds
  7. Array patterns:

    • Contains predefined patterns for the square, heart, and numbers 0-9.

    • Each pattern is an array of 8 bytes, representing 8 rows of the 8x8 LED matrix.

    • Each byte uses binary notation where each bit represents an LED (1 for on, 0 for off).

    const unsigned char patterns[][8] = {
        // Square pattern
            0b11111111, // Row 1
            0b10000001, // Row 2
            0b10000001, // Row 3
            0b10000001, // Row 4
            0b10000001, // Row 5
            0b10000001, // Row 6
            0b10000001, // Row 7
            0b11111111  // Row 8
        // Number 9
  8. Function main:

    • Initializes WiringPi and SPI interface.

      if (wiringPiSetup() == -1) {
          printf("Failed to initialize WiringPi\n");
          return 1;
      if (wiringPiSPISetup(SPI_CHANNEL, SPI_SPEED) == -1) {
          printf("Failed to initialize SPI\n");
          return 1;
    • Calls max7219_init to configure the MAX7219 module.

      max7219_init();  // Initialize the MAX7219 module
    • Enters an infinite loop to display the patterns continuously. Displays each pattern for 1 second before moving to the next.

      while (1) {
          // Display the square pattern
          display_pattern(patterns[0], 1000);  // Display for 1000 milliseconds
          // Display the heart pattern
          display_pattern(patterns[1], 1000);
          // Display numbers 0-9
          for (int i = 2; i <= 11; i++) {
              display_pattern(patterns[i], 1000);

Understanding the Patterns

  • Binary Representation:

    • Each pattern is defined using binary literals (0b prefix).

    • Each byte corresponds to a row on the 8x8 LED matrix.

    • Each bit within the byte represents a column (LED) in that row.

    • The most significant bit (leftmost) corresponds to the first LED on the left.

  • Creating Custom Patterns:

    • You can create new patterns by defining new arrays of 8 bytes.

    • Each pattern can be added to the patterns array.

    • Update the display loop in main to include your new patterns.

Adjustments and Customization

  • Changing Brightness: Modify the intensity level in max7219_init:

    max7219_write(0x0A, brightness_level); // brightness_level between 0x00 and 0x0F
  • Modifying Display Time: Change the delay_ms parameter in display_pattern calls to adjust how long each pattern is displayed.

Phenomenon Picture
