Q1: NO MicroPython(Raspberry Pi Pico) Interpreter Option on Thonny IDE?

  • Check that your Pico is plugged into your computer via a USB cable.

  • Check that you have installed MicroPython for Pico (2. Install MicroPython on Your Pico).

  • The Raspberry Pi Pico interpreter is only available in version 3.3.3 or higher version of Thonny. If you are running an older version, please update (1. Install Thonny IDE).

  • Plug in/out the micro USB cable sveral times.

Q2: Cannot open Pico code or save code to Pico via Thonny IDE?

  • Check that your Pico is plugged into your computer via a USB cable.

  • Check that you have selected the Interpreter as MicroPython (Raspberry Pi Pico).