Video 3: “Hello LED” Project

In Tutorial 3, we delve into the “Hello LED” project, providing a comprehensive overview of the project:

  • Components: A detailed look at the components involved in the project, including resistors, LEDs, and breadboards, explaining their roles and functions.

  • Circuit Setup: Step-by-step guidance on setting up the LED circuit, including proper resistor usage and connections on the breadboard.

  • Arduino Code: An in-depth explanation of the Arduino code used in the project, highlighting key elements and the upload process to the ESP32.

  • Testing: Practical instructions on how to test the LED blink demonstration, ensuring that the project works as intended.

This tutorial not only equips you with the knowledge needed to complete the “Hello LED” project but also provides a foundational understanding of resistors, LEDs, and breadboards in electronics and IoT applications.


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