Video 52: CheerLights Global Sync with LCD

Learn how to synchronize LED colors across multiple devices using the Cheer Lights project, integrated with an ESP32 microcontroller and an LCD screen for real-time feedback.

  • Introduction to Cheer Lights: Previous tutorials covered essential topics like RGB LED and LCD screen usage.

  • Cheer Lights with MQTT: Synchronize LED colors through MQTT subscriptions for a shared experience.

  • Integration with ESP32 and LCD Screen: Connect Cheer Lights to an ESP32 microcontroller with an LCD screen for displaying colors and connectivity status.

  • Connecting to Wi-Fi: The ESP32 connects to Wi-Fi, displaying the SSID when connected and attempting to reconnect if disconnected.

  • Interaction with Cheer Lights Group: Interact with the Cheer Lights group on Discord to change colors and participate in the shared experience.

  • Setup and Coding: Detailed instructions provided on setting up the ESP32 board, selecting the correct port, and installing necessary libraries for integrating Cheer Lights with the ESP32 and LCD screen.
