Video 14: millis() and map()ΒΆ

This tutorial focuses on using millis() for time tracking and map() for value conversion in Arduino, showcasing practical applications like timed button responses and LED brightness control.

  • Millis Functionality: millis() as a time-keeping function in Arduino, starting from zero at program run and incrementing every millisecond.

  • Timed Events with millis(): How to utilize millis() for executing events at specific time intervals without halting the entire program, unlike delay().

  • Button Press Timing: Example of using millis() to detect a button press and execute an action after a set duration.

  • Map Function Introduction: Introduction to the map() function, which is used for converting numerical values from one range to another.

  • LED Brightness Adjustment: Practical demonstration of using map() to adjust LED brightness levels by mapping percentage values to the PWM range.

  • Efficient Coding with millis() and map(): Showcasing efficient Arduino coding practices by combining millis() for non-blocking timing and map() for intuitive value conversion.
