Video 12: Functions and Switch-CaseΒΆ

Explore the fundamentals of defining and using functions in Arduino programming, including various types of functions, parameter handling, return values, and the use of switch-case statements.

  • Understanding Functions in Arduino: Introduces the basic structure and purpose of functions in Arduino programming.

  • Types of Functions: Explains the difference between void functions and those that return specific data types like integers or floats.

  • Using Parameters and Return Values: Demonstrates how to pass parameters to functions and utilize the values they return in the main program.

  • Practical Function Examples: Provides real-world examples of functions for various calculations and conditional operations.

  • Switch-Case Syntax and Usage: Offers an alternative to if-else statements, showcasing how switch-case can simplify code structure.

  • Applying Functions in Projects: Shows practical applications of functions in Arduino projects, such as controlling devices or processing sensor data.
