Install the Button Driver

You need to install the button driver before you can use the buttons on the Retro Game HAT.

Insert the SD card into Retro Game HAT, turn the power switch to ON.



When using it for the first time, you need to insert a 5V/2A Type-C into the Retro Game HAT to activate the battery power supply function.

You can use the battery to supply power later, and this Type-C cable can be used for charging.

Get the IP Address

After the Retro Game HAT is connected to WIFI, we need to get the IP address of it. There are many ways to know the IP address, and two of them are listed as follows.

  1. Checking via the router

If you have permission to log in the router(such as a home network), you can check the addresses assigned to Raspberry Pi on the admin interface of router.

The default hostname of the Retro Game HAT is raspberrypi, and you need to find it. (If you are using ArchLinuxARM system, please find alarmpi.)

  1. Network Segment Scanning

You can also use network scanning to look up the IP address of Raspberry Pi. You can apply the software, Advanced IP scanner and so on.

Scan the IP range set, and the name of all connected devices will be displayed. Similarly, the default hostname of the Retro Game HAT is raspberrypi, if you haven’t modified it.

Use the SSH Remote Control

We can open the Bash Shell of RetroPie by applying SSH. Bash is the standard default shell of Linux. The Shell itself is a program written in C that is the bridge linking the customers and Unix/Linux. Moreover, it can help to complete most of the work needed.

For Linux or/Mac OS X Users

Step 1

Go to Applications->Utilities, find the Terminal, and open it.


Step 2

Type in ssh pi@ip_address . “pi”is your username and “ip_address” is your IP address. For example:

ssh pi@

Step 3



Step 4

Input the passcode and the default password is raspberry.


Step 5

We now get the Raspberry Pi connected and are ready to go to the next step.



When you input the password, the characters do not display on window accordingly, which is normal. What you need is to input the correct password.

For Windows Users

If you’re a Windows user, you can use SSH with the application of some software. Here, we recommend PuTTY.

Step 1

Download PuTTY.

Step 2

Open PuTTY and click Session on the left tree-alike structure. Enter the IP address of the RPi in the text box under Host Name (or IP address) and 22 under Port (by default it is 22).


Step 3

Click Open. Note that when you first log in to the Raspberry Pi with the IP address, there prompts a security reminder. Just click Yes.

Step 4

When the PuTTY window prompts “login as:”, type in “pi”(the user name of the RPi), and password: “raspberry” (the default one, if you haven’t changed it).


Step 5

Here, we get the Raspberry Pi connected and it is time to conduct the next steps.


When you input the password, the characters do not display on window accordingly, which is normal. What you need is to input the correct password.

Install Key Drive

When you enter the RetroPie terminal via ssh, enter the following command to download the source code of the button driver.

git clone

cd retro-game-hat/game-hat-button-driver

Install the button driver.

sudo python3

After the installation is complete, it is prompted whether to restart, enter Y to confirm.

Installation finished, do you want to reboot? (y/N) Y