7. Sonar Scanning

In the previous projects, we have learned the servo and ultrasonic modules separately and encapsulated their related scripts into libraries.

In this project, we’ll write scripts to make the servo and ultrasonic work together to output the distances of obstacles ahead at once.


Simply put, the servo rotates back and forth and the ultrasonic module detects distances at specific angles.

To get more comprehensive data, we need to have the detected distances in each direction output together.

from servo import Servo
from ultrasonic import Ultrasonic
import time

servo = Servo(18)
ultrasonic = Ultrasonic(6, 7)

sonar_angle = 0 # current angle
sonar_step = 30 # Scan angle for each step


sonar_data =[]
for i in range((SONAR_MAX_ANGLE-SONAR_MIN_ANGLE)/sonar_step+1):

def get_distance_at(angle):
    global sonar_angle
    sonar_angle = angle
    distance = ultrasonic.get_distance()
    if distance < 0:
        return -1
        return distance

def sonar_move():
    global sonar_angle, sonar_step
    if sonar_angle >= SONAR_MAX_ANGLE:
        sonar_angle = SONAR_MAX_ANGLE
        sonar_step = -abs(sonar_step)
    elif sonar_angle <= SONAR_MIN_ANGLE:
        sonar_angle = SONAR_MIN_ANGLE
        sonar_step = abs(sonar_step)
    sonar_angle += sonar_step

def mapping(x, in_min, in_max, out_min, out_max):
    return (x - in_min) * (out_max - out_min) / (in_max - in_min) + out_min

def sonar_scan():
    global sonar_data
    distance = get_distance_at(sonar_angle)
    index= int(mapping(sonar_angle, SONAR_MIN_ANGLE, SONAR_MAX_ANGLE, 0, len(sonar_data)-1))
    return sonar_data

while True:

You can copy the above code into Thonny or open the sonar_7_sonar_scan.py under the path of pico_4wd_car-v2.0\examples\learn_modules. Then click the thonny_run button or press F5 to run it.

When you power up the Pico 4WD car, you will see arrays like this [1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1] in the Shell.

How it works?

  1. Import servo.py and ultrasonic.py, and instantiate them. In addition, set the scan angle to -90 ~ 90, and the angle interval to 30°.

    from servo import Servo
    from ultrasonic import Ultrasonic
    import time
    servo = Servo(18)
    ultrasonic = Ultrasonic(6, 7)
    sonar_angle = 0 # current angle
    sonar_step = 30 # Scan angle for each step
  2. Ultrasonic module detects every 30° as the servo rotates and returns distance.

    def get_distance_at(angle):
        global sonar_angle
        sonar_angle = angle
        distance = ultrasonic.get_distance()
        if distance < 0:
            return -1
            return distance
  3. The sonar_move() here actually makes the servo rotate in the set angle range (-90 ~ 90) at 30° intervals.

    def sonar_move():
        global sonar_angle, sonar_step
        if sonar_angle >= SONAR_MAX_ANGLE:
            sonar_angle = SONAR_MAX_ANGLE
            sonar_step = -abs(sonar_step)
        elif sonar_angle <= SONAR_MIN_ANGLE:
            sonar_angle = SONAR_MIN_ANGLE
            sonar_step = abs(sonar_step)
        sonar_angle += sonar_step
  4. Now to combine the above two functions, let the ultrasonic detect the distance while the servo is moving and output the 7 distance values as an array at once.

    def sonar_scan():
        global sonar_data
        distance = get_distance_at(sonar_angle)
        index= int(mapping(sonar_angle, SONAR_MIN_ANGLE, SONAR_MAX_ANGLE, 0, len(sonar_data)-1))
        return sonar_data