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Install All the Modules(Important)

Make sure you are connected to the Internet and update your system:

sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade


Python3 related packages must be installed if you are installing the Lite version OS.

sudo apt install git python3-pip python3-setuptools python3-smbus

Install robot-hat.

cd ~/
git clone -b v2.0
cd robot-hat
sudo python3 install

Then download and install the vilib module.

cd ~/
git clone -b picamera2
cd vilib
sudo python3

Download and install the picar-x module.

cd ~/
git clone -b v2.0 --depth 1
cd picar-x
sudo python3 install

This step will take a little while, so please be patient.

Finally, you need to run the script to install the components required by the i2s amplifier, otherwise the picar-x will have no sound.

cd ~/picar-x
sudo bash

Type y and press enter to continue running the script.


Type y and press enter to run /dev/zero in the background.


Type y and press enter to restart the Picar-X.


If there is no sound after restarting, you may need to run the script several times.